Friday, July 06, 2007


Look at the size of this hunk!!! It fell from its vine after the heavy downpour yesterday. I was so upset because I am looking forward to sink my teeth into it . I guess I have to wait for the rest to mature and ripe.

Update : I finally ate the green tomato and it was really sour :(


Cat Cat said...

Wow Gert, that's a big tomato... You sure have a green thumb... What do you plan to do with the green tomato? Maybe fry them and make "Fried Green Tomato"?

ICook4Fun said...

Cat, I am not sure what to do with it. That is a good idea. 'Fried Green Tomato' just like the movie ;)

Salt N Turmeric said...

besarnya tomato u. mesti berat sbb tu sampai jatuh. lol! mine kecik aje abt half of the size of my genggam.

eh got movie called fried green tomato ke? biar betul?

ICook4Fun said...

PJ, ini yang besar sekali among all the rest that is why I sakit hati :( :( Yeah there is a movie called Fried Green Tomato. Is a very old 1991 movie staring Kathy Bates

Anonymous said...

You can just leave this tomato on your counter. In few days it will turn red. Another method is to wrap it in brown paper beg.
Enjoy your produce!

Zue Murphy said...

You tabur garam tak? Kesian you....your green tomato sour....

ICook4Fun said...

Ya Zue, is really sour. Tak larat nak makan. Maybe just half of it.