Here is a really simple recipe:
6 eggs
1 1/4 cups of sugar
2 cups of flour
4 tbsp of melted butter
1 tsp of vanilla
1 tsp of baking powder
a pinch of salt

1) Whisk the eggs and sugar until is white and fluffy or double the volume.
2) Slowly fold in the flour, baking powder, salt and vanilla.
3) Lastly add in the melted batter.
4) Pour into a greased pan and steam for 25 minutes or until is done.
Note : I made it in different colors and steam it in a little baking pan. Big mistake because it so hard to remove the cake. That is why you will notice the cake 'pecah pecah' The next time I will just steam it in a muffin pan.
Your steam sponge cake berwarna-warni - cantik macam chef-nya. ;}
The resipi is so simple and looks like it's easy to make.
I will give it a try later.
Hey , your look better than mine.
I will give this a try. Thanks
Thank you,YOU for visiting my new blog.I keep cari cari U name but until now i foundit.sorry la I'm so jakun to blogging world,dunno where to find the key to insert enter.wow!! didn't know U have a yummy and delicious makan blog.Now I know where to go to cari receipe...lol
Gert, I don't see any pecah pun. Your kuih is so cute. I do like the combination of colors. Geram! If only I can eat it out of this screen!
recipe looks easy enough to follow Gert .. now to find the time to make it .. will definitely give this a try :-)
Cat, is really simple. You should give it a try and is not that fattening like cakes with loads of butter.
Nonya, the cake is not pretty because the botom 'pecah' if you look closely
Beachlover, thanks for stopping by here. I started this blog since last year.
Zue, buatlah kuih ni. Rasanya a bit macam kuih apam.
Envy, I am sure your kids will like it. This cake is really easy to make and steam really quick too.
Woohoo! Christmas in July at the Partane household! Sorry, Gert, just had to tease you about the lovely color choice. Is this similar to the "soong" kuih sometimes sold for certain Hokkien festivals?
Rita, this is more like the yellow 'kai tan koh' we used to eat.
Beachlover, any other blogs u want to know, u can contact me. I know all of them! LOL.
Someone called Fan-C!
is this the same one like back home where there's kelapa on top?
btw, wht pecah2? i tot thts how theyr supposed to look like? if not, my bad.
note to self, gotta get a steamer.
fan-c, semua orang punya blog you pun tahu ah :)
PJ, the kuih yang you cakap tu apam ke with kelapa on top? Ini just normal steam sponge cake saja.
Got it, Gert! I used the buy the baked "kat-tan-koh" (in slices) from pasar malam. Very nice, dipped in tea or milo. :)
Is this also called the 'Apom' with some coconut on top?
Looks nice and makes my itchy hand wanted to try out coming weekend.
Sue, this is 'kai tan koh' our chinese style. I just mixed some colour and steam it in a different mold ;) The original version is just pour everything in a baking pan and steam it.
I would like to make this but could you advise how to steam it in different colour layers?
MummyDing, just divide the batter into portions, color it and pour one layer into steaming pan and steam for 6-7 minutes (depend on the thickness) follows by the next layer.
First Kai tan koh with melted butter.
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