Sunday, October 09, 2011

Blueberry Granola Yogurt Parfait - Day 9

Now who say you can’t have dessert for breakfast? I made this parfait over the weekend for our breakfast. Carlos thinks I was crazy serving him ice-cream ha ha..No it is something healthy. It has granola, fresh blueberries and yogurt in it. Guess what, he likes it a lot. So, if your kids are fussy about their breakfast, maybe you can prepare them this. I am sure they are going to like it as much as we do.


2 slices whole wheat bread
8 oz plain yogurt
½ cup fresh blueberries
½ cup granola cluster
2 tbsp honey

Blueberries compote:

1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1 tbsp honey

1. Cut the bread to the size of the bottom (round) of the jelly moulds. Put the granola in the food processor and give it a few pulses. In a mixing bowl combined the yogurt, honey, blueberries and granola. Mix really well.
2. Line the moulds with some plastic wraps. Fill up the moulds with the yogurt mixture and place a round piece of bread at the end. Put the moulds into the freezer and let it set compeletly.
3. In the meantime, prepare the compote. In a small saucepan, combined the blueberries and honey. Cook until the berries burst and soft and sauce thicken. Set it aside.
4. Remove the jelly moulds from the freezer. Unmold it and serve the parfait with some blueberries compote.

Note: You can always replace the blueberry with any type of fruits of your choice.

Don’t forget to leave a comment for a better chance to win an Olympus VG-110 camera. Giveaway is open worldwide. Entries close 30 th October 2011.


hanushi said...

This is really a healthy and nutritious breakfast!!! :)

lena said...

this really looks like a healthy treat!

Sheila said...

Thanks for this recipe! Looks very delicious. Wish I have a mold like that, too.

ann low said...

Looks so tempting and healthy, I don't mind to have this dessert for breakfast :))

suituapui said...

Yummmm...looks good but I prefer ice cream. Fat people not so much into stuff like yogurt. LOL!!!

zurin said...

it looks so good and ice creamy !! :)) said...

What a fun and healthy way to start the day!

boo_licious said...

Brekkie in a cone, and a healthy one too. Well done. I love yoghurt and blueberries so this is something I'll make.

Martyna@WholesomeCook said...

Yuuuum! I would have never thought of adding bread to it, but sounds good - more fibre!

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Healthy and aesthetically beautiful.

Lite Home Bake said...

My stomach is growling and would love to have this for breakfast while i read this at this hour :)

Unknown said...

Hmm having yoghurt for breakfast is my all time fav.Another amazing creation from you.

Shereen said...

This dessert/breakfast sure looks good!After letting Arthur stuffed me silly ( must blame him!..hahaha), this will be wonderful for a change.So far, after checking out all your previous posts, you are doing fine..churning out all those wonderful and creative ideas.Good on you, Gert.Proud of you:))

Anonymous said...

It looks like a snow volcano had just erupted a nice blueberry sauce. Very nice and creative recipe/ presentation

Anonymous said...

Delicious and healthy. Just whats required after a few days in Sibu. Simon

Shereen said...

The 1st anon is justyn and the 2nd anon is simon..both very amateur at leaving comments...*roll eyes*!!

Ummi said...

Gosshhh!! What a lovely breakfast you have with Carlos there....My kids surely love mom diaorg jek malas....hehe

Anonymous said...


Linda from brisbane said...

Wow I reckon not only Carlos think u crazy, my husband also think "have you taken your medicine?!!!" if I serve him that! But, my kids will definitely say " mummy your the greatest! Ice-cream for breakfast!" :) a very stunning breakfast, I can't wait to master it for my kids! Thanks!

Anonymous said...


ICook4Fun said...

Hanushi, Lena, thank you.

Sheila, you can always buy one from Royal Selangor Pewter. You can find the link in my posting :)

Ann, me either :)

Suituapui, this is a good as ice-cream. Not so guilty eating it :)

Zurin, thank you.

Nancy, yes it is. This will be fun for the kids too :)

Boo-licious, you should like this one :)

Martyna, that is the whole idea of adding the bread. More breakfast like :)

Eileen, thank you.

ICook4Fun said...

Lite Home Bake, never visit food blogs during meal time :)

アンゼエリン, thank you for your support.

Shereen, welcome back and thank you. Miss reading your comments. Yea you need to detox ha ha.. never mind you have two weeks to do that before coming here :)

Justyn, you are here to support me too. Thank you my dear :)

Simon, get Shereen to make this for you.

Ummi, ni senang saja nak buat. Do it the night before and besuk pagi dah boleh makan :)

Linda, you know lah he expect eggs and english muffin and I gave him this ha ha .. I am sure you kids would love this.

Hunny, :)

ninazsyafinaz said...

Morning Gert,

Wow this parfait look delicious..I would like to give a try.Thank you for the recipe :)

My Little Space said...

I adored the extra add on to that dessert. Simply alluring! Slurpppppp... Tumbs up!

shaz said...

What a clever idea! I need to try this for a weekend breakfast, it's almost summer over here. Wow, it must be tricky to come up with all the ideas for the mould. You're doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

Dessert for breakfast is definitely one of humankind's greatest triumphs.