Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pink Ribbon Cake – Day 30

Phew! A lot of emotions went into creating this Pink Ribbon Cake, my final entry for the Royal Selangor Pewter Jellyriffic Challenge . I feel both relieved that a 30-day kitchen marathon has ended and sad that I will no longer have the daily rush of meeting a deadline doing one of my favorite things. It will also be strange to not enjoy the morning ritual of excitingly checking out the amazing creations of my fellow Challenge participants. Most of all, I feel honored to have been given this unique experience by Royal Selangor Pewter that supports breast cancer awareness and welfare in its entity – proceeds from the sale of each Nick Munro jelly mould go to the Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BCWA).

A friend asked me what I thought of the jelly mould after a month of using it. I did not hesitate to say, “You should buy it!” It truly is a versatile multi-purpose utensil that enhances the presentation of all dishes and makes ordinary looking desserts the centerpieces of all table settings. My list of 30 include 10 jellies and puddings, 7 savories, 3 cookies, 5 cakes, 2 kuihs, 2 breakfast items and 1 steamed bread but I still have ideas to do another 30 but not all in a month though. It was a different scenario at the beginning when jellies tumbled out in pieces, steamed cakes had wet batter and the shape of kuihs changed! Lots of laughs and some at my kitchen counter! Thankfully, it took only a few practice sessions before it was a breeze to use. The mould now has a permanent place in my collection for Royal Selangor Pewter wares.

I can’t pick a favorite among the 30 delicacies I created for this challenge but this Pink Ribbon Cake closest to my heart. It not only bring back memories of 2 family members who died of breast cancer and friends who had battled breast cancer but also reminds me of the importance to continue in every little way I can to support efforts that create awareness of the illness and help those facing it. Thank you to Royal Selangor Pewter for the opportunity to be part of a worthy cause and you, my loyal readers who have been following this blog all these years. I truly appreciate your visits and comments that never fail to help me cook and bake. Also, a big shout-out to Masak Masak , House of Annie , A Table For Two , Wholesome Cook , Indochine Kitchen , My Cookinghut , Chopinandmysaucepan , Fried Wonton For You , Hunger Hunger for the great fun in this competition!

And now, my recipe for this very special cake.


113 gram/1 stick/1/2 cup room temperature butter
80 gram sugar
120 gram flour
½ tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
2 eggs
2 tbsp milk
½ tsp vanilla
A few drop of pink coloring
A few drop of strawberry essence

For frosting:

Some lemon curd
Some butter cream

1. Line and greased the Jelly Moulds. Prepare the steamer and bring the water up to a boil. Combined flour, baking powder and salt together. Mix well and set it aside.
2. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add in the eggs one at a time and beat until well combined. Mix in the vanilla.
3. Add in the flour in 3 batches alternately with the milk. Mix until combined.
4. Take 1/3 of the mixture and mix in the strawberry essence and pink coloring. Mix well. Put in the plain batter, alternately with the pink batter into the jelly moulds. Give it a few tap on the counter top to removes any air bubble. Steam the cake for 35 minutes or until cake tester comes out clean.
5. Cool completely before layering it with some lemon curd and frosting it with my butter cream.

Again, THANK YOU and wishing everyone a happy purchase of the Royal Selangor Pewter Jelly Mould and many fun days with it!

Note: Don’t forget to leave a comment for a better chance to win an Olympus VG-110 camera. Giveaway is open worldwide. Entries close 30th October 2011.


boo_licious said...

Very pretty indeed. I love the pink layers hidden within. Lovely to have been in the challenge with you & I'm going to miss my jellies too.

lena said...

Gert, this is a great final entry for the challenge! what's a better way to end this challenge with a pink ribbon? wow, did you say you still have 30 more ideas with the mould?? you're terrific!!

Janine said...

wow i think this is a great conclusion to the 30 day challenge - appropriate for the theme and reminds us once again that this is all for breast cancer awareness :D

and I love the layers in the cake too - the pink and yellow layers together with the curd and cream looks amazing!

Kak Sam said...


K.Nor said...

congrat gert! puas hati betul kan dpt siapkan challange ni.. gert mula dulu dgn rose syrup panna cotta yg kaler pink jugak dan endingnya dgn pink ribbon creation tu.. mmg terbaik! bravo gert, u dah buat yg begitu baik sekali utk 30 hari marathon ni..

hopefully lepas ni u akan keluarkan lagi yg 30 tu .. tak sabar nak tengok :)

congrats once again gert!! ^__^

Dee said...

I have to agree with the others. This is a great final entry to end the competition. It's really pretty and it commemorates with the theme of breast cancer awareness month. You have showed talent, creativity and incentive with this whole month worth of creations. Not only you abide to the rules of the competition, you took initiative to create new exiting recipes, where it be savory, sweet or both. You had no repetitive entry which makes you a star. Good job!

ann low said...

Congrats Gert! This Pink Ribbon Cake looks very pretty. Hope to see more of your new creations in the future :)

WendyinKK said...

This is my favourite among all.
I love the pink ribbon on it.. it truly brings a deeper meaning to this marathon and that's a nice way of ending it.

I also love the inside of the cake, I wish I can have that cake.

Anonymous said...

your final outcome was very touching... b'coz, my auntie also diagnosed as a breast cancer patient 13 years ago... thanks god... she still alive & her health also good... i hope this creation will be the signature of the campaign... and i wish i will see another cone stuff a.s.a.p... or else, i also will feel strange not to see your cone-entry tomorrow...

sis, congratulations for all your great idea, great outcome... not only me, i'm so sure, all your blog reader really really enjoyed it... congratulations once again...

Angie Tee said...

Well done Gert! This is a very challenging task, but you make it look so easy.I like the way you ended the challenge with this pretty cake. I love the ribbon, perfect pink color.

Elin said...

Gertrude , thank you so much for sharing with us the 30 days of wondeful recipes using the Selangor pewter jelly mold . All the beautiful creations you shared with us , you deserve an applauds from us all. This is the most meaningful post appropriate to the theme of this challenge!! Love the steamed cake with the lemon curd frosting and the cute pink ribbon . Wishing you all the best in this competition and hopefully I get to see earlier than expected ;) meanwhile take care and have fun in SanFrancisco.

Anonymous said...

Well done, Gertrude. I love this entry best of all...a pink ribbon to remind us of breast cancer awareness.
Thank you.

B.Lee, NZ

Smiley said...

Really marvellous Gert,congrats ,greatly appreciate after 30days of hard jobs.
It was the very perfection of beauty pink, I love this excellent duties.
All da bEsT!

Dumpling Love said...

Hi Gertrude,

I've been following your blog for a while but first time commenting. I want to commend you on all your posts, and I just love how you've dedicated this cake to such a great cause. Well done!

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Congratulations Gert on completion of this 30 day challenge! This is a great post to dedicate to all women who battle breast cancer.

Noob Cook said...

all your creations look great, you did really well. congrats on completing it! I love the sweet pink in this particular cake.

My Little Space said...

Gert, what a perfect post for a perfect day. Hope you'll be able to fly back with your free ticket. :o) Again wishing you all the best.
Beset regards,

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

This is a meaningful jelly to end this contest. Wishing you good luck!

Shereen said...

Wow..30 creations in 30 days.You have done well!Having a sister battling with breast cancer, following this challenge is something close to my heart.Thank you so much for supporting breast cancer awareness.
Love,love the cake...absolutelt beautiful! with a bang!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the finish:) what a way to end:) this dessert looks so creative.. I support breast cancer as well:)

Sharn said...

Well done!! What an almighty effort! What will you do with your life now without Jellies to worry about? Lol! It's a lovely way to end the competition. Thank you for such an enjoyable 30 days!

mycookinghut said...

Love it!! It's great that we have made it!

Anonymous said...


Bravo! lost of words. Everyone had already said it. Your 30 days posting I love them all. Congratulation again and all the best to you. Take care.


Anonymous said...

This is so nice, I know October is breast cancer awareness month but hopefully people will be thinking about it all year round!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful finish to a challenging month. Awesome effort, Simon

hanushi said...

Very pretty and meaningful cake! :)

iva | in my kitchen said...

what a perfect reason to end the jelly challenge with a tribute to breast cancer! I'm sure you must be proud but also glad that its finished. cant wait to see you resume your normal posts again!

Linda said...

This is really awesome to end the competition and I really hope you win it! You did a marvelous job with the cone!

suituapui said...

Nice! Like wedding cakes! LOL!!!