Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blackberry with Coconut Juice Jelly - Day 22

I really like the look and taste of this jelly. They look really girly, isn’t it? A fresh coconut here cost around $3.00 each and I can’t bring myself to pay that kind of money so I just used the can coconut juice. I didn’t expect them to taste good but they do but of course it can’t be compare with the fresh one. I guess beggar can’t be chooser, right. By the way, that is blackberries but it turns red once it hit the warm agar agar mixture. You might notice in the 1st pictures that the jelly has an odd shape. Actually one of the jellies broke into half when I was unmolding it and I just cut it off and stack the other one on top of it. Thank God I made 2 of it so there is always a back-up.


400 ml coconut juice with some coconut flesh
1 tsp agar agar powder
1 tbsp sugar
1 pandan leaf
Some blackberries

1. Combined coconut juice, agar agar powder, sugar and pandan leaf. Cook over medium heat until it boils and agar agar dissolved. Continue to cook for another minute.
2. Wet the jelly moulds. Pour the mixture into the moulds and add in a few of the blackberries to each mould.
3. Let is set completely. To unmold, dip the moulds into hot water for 15 seconds, run a knife along the side of the mould. Turn the jelly out on a plate. Serve cold.

Note: Don’t forget to leave a comment for a better chance to win an Olympus VG-110 camera. Giveaway is open worldwide. Entries close 30th October 2011.


Awayofmind Bakery House said...

this is a nice dessert, I like it!

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

This is definitely one of my choice of desserts.

Cuisine Paradise said...

Oh Gosh!!! This jelly is extreme gorgeous~~~~ How i wish i can have 1 right now :)

Kak Sam said...

Very simple recipe. i want to try this recipe n hope u don't mind

ann low said...

Gert, your jelly looks so pretty. The shape looks like the shape of Wheelock Place here.:D

Jeannie said...

Very pretty jelly, good idea to use coconut juice...the berries do give this jelly a very pretty look!

Anonymous said...

I have been searching for a agar agar recipe and I think I have found it. Love the idea of suing the coconut juice. wonder if heating it changes its flavor?

Anonymous said...

i can feel it ( with my closed eyes)... hihihi... milky with a sweet & a bit sour taste... am i right?... aarghh, sedapnya...

K.Nor said...

wahh nampak cantik dan sedap la jelly tu gert.. simple but nice :)

Rita Ho said...

Hi Gert ... I just viewed all your entries for this challenge and was quite blown away by how you've used the mold. I can't decide on a favorite! All your deserts looked too lovely to eat and your savories are very well presentation in your mold creations. Congrats!

WendyinKK said...

Definitely sounds refreshing! 8 more to go!

Susie said...

Looks very classy. Keep the creative juices flowing.

Shereen said...

Love the look of this jelly,Gert.Very pretty and like you say, very girly:)I have lots of frozen blacberries and I think that it is a lovely way to get the boys to eat!

suituapui said...

Blackberry? For a while, I thought you were talking about the phone. Muahahahaha!!!

hanushi said...

This jelly seems like a veil to hide the berries. Pretty!!!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sound so refreshing!

lena said...

they look like kind of crystals to me..really good attempt, Gert!!

Linda said...

This is one that I will try! Sooo refreshing and I love coconut juice! Sweet n refreshing! Thanks for one great recipe again!

ICook4Fun said...

Ah Tze, thanks.

Eileen, try it. This dessert is really refreshing :)

Ellena, I wish I can it with you :)

Kak Sam, go ahead :)

Ann, ooo... really. I have to google and see how Wheelock Place look like :)

Jeannie, yea just like lacey skirt :)

Josephine, nope, it taste coconut juice.

Hunny, yeap. Spot on :)

K.Nor, yea very simple this one :)

Rita, THANK YOU !! It was difficult in the begining but it gets easier after a while :)

Wendy, yea 8 more to go :)

Susie, thank you.

ICook4Fun said...

Shereen, ha ha I thought so. I am not sure if frozen blackberries works the same as it might bleeds once it hits the hot agar agar. You can try it out.

Suituapui, not that Blackberry lah :)

Hanushi, :) :)

Sonia, it is :)

Lena, thanks.

Linda, me too. I am going to make this again once I am back from S.F. I made this some time ago so I am craving for it again :)

Anonymous said...

This is so pretty!

Leep0ng said...

This is just beautiful.
My love for coconut is just growing because of your posts :3
Maybe it's just from my experience but agar agar tends to have be more solid than jiggly like jello.

Anonymous said...

Looks very pretty and kind of futuristic. Probably a great way to disguise eating fruits! Simon

My Little Space said...

I love this combo as well!

Sharn said...

OMG!! So beautiful!