Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Closing the 30-Day Challenge .... Announcing One Lucky Winner!

I'm back from San Francisco! What a tiring week! The road trip went well, we passed through 8 states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada to arrive in California. It was a long journey but I'm glad we did it. We are unlikely to make a similar road trip again but there are two states I want to return to visit in the near future - Nebraska and Utah. More about why later.

For now, I thought I'll round-up the Royal Selangor Jellyriffic Challenge with this special video my good friend, Rita Ho created for me to recap all my 30 jelly-mould entries. She made a movie of them! The accompanying song you hear is 'We Are The Champions' by Queen, a favorite song embraced by many breast cancer patients in their individual battle and often played at awareness programs for the illness.

Again, very special thanks to Royal Selangor for the opportunity in participating for this great cause and to all my blogging friends and readers for their comments, suggestions and support.

Last but not least, it is my pleasure to announce the winner of the Olympus Camera generated by, the true random number service. Josephine was the commenter's No 683 from Bailey's Mocha Pudding - Day 25 .

Congratulations, Josephine! I hope you enjoy snapping endless memories with your prize! Please email me your address so I can send you the gift. My email address is at my profile.


Shereen said...

Welcome back,Gert!Looking forward to more 'normal' recipes from you..hahaha.

WendyinKK said...

Rest well :)
Must have been tiring.
Looking forward to your regular postings and I'm sure you will be cleaning up your "bank" of drafts during this time of move.
Happy cleaning, LOL.

Jeannie said...

Really an achievement to be able to post every day for a month! Congrats to the winner:)

Elin said...

Welcome back Gertrude...must tiring for you to travel 8 states in 5 days. Take care and rest well. Is it snowing already ? Keep warm :)

Congrats to the winner and thank you so much for sharing all the yummy recipes in your 30 days a good cause :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Congrats to the winner. Looking forward for your normal post..

suituapui said...

Congrats to Josephine and good luck to you!

My Little Space said...

Congrats to the lucky winner. And hope you're all well too.

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

What a feat! looking back at the challenge, you have every reason to be proud! The cross country road trip has some thing romantic about it.... reminds me of Jack Kerouac

Eilen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Gert, welcome back. Hope to you with more post soon. Take care!

lena said...

congrats to you too, Gert! coming up with 30 recipes using the mould is such a great achievement!

Belly Good Cooking said...

Loved all yr posts. Rest well and waiting for yr new posts soon. :)

Anonymous said...

welcome back, sis... finally you're home ... hari-hari i "ketuk pintu rumah" u... & hari-hari i makan u punya pink ribbon cake tu... hihi...
what a long & tiring journey, but i'm sure it was very worth it... perhaps it is as you travel from perlis to johore... will experience the different kind of lifestyle & culture esp about cuisine...
I will be looking forward to see the photos of your journey...

& congrat to the winner...

K.Nor said...

wahh welcome back gert! seronok tengok video tu.. congrat to u & the creater of the video too :)

opss.. congrat to the winner :)

ICook4Fun said...

Shereen, it is good to be back. I miss the nice weather in SF though. Is getting very cold here

Wendy, oh yea I have plenty of drafts around. So what you see here will be mostly that :)

Jeannie, thank you.

Elin, yea really tiring. I've been catching up on my sleep. Can't sleep in hotels with different bed and pillows :)

Suituapui, thank you.

Kristy, I am well thank you :)

Shirley, romantic!! No it is not for leisure so lots of driving ha ha..

Eileen, thank you.

Lena, thank you for all your support :)

Belly Good Cooking, thank you.

Hunny, ha ha sorry yea. Penat a bit with the road trip and now have to gear up for the packing and cleaning before the big move. We were in the car most of the time so tak snap too many photos. Ada pun blur blur because I snap it while the car was moving :(

K.Nor, thank you :)