I like beets be it pickle, roasted or juice. I usually roast it whole in aluminium foil with some olive oil, salt and pepper. Do be careful with the stain when handling them. I will wear gloves when peeling off the skin. This is a very simple and easy salad for a hot summer day.

2 hard boil eggs- halve
2 oranges - peel & cut into wedges
1/4 cup of roasted walnuts
a handful of lettuce
Dressing :
juice of half lemon
1 tsp of Dijon mustard
1 tsp of honey
4 tbsp of olive oil
Mix the dressing and pour over the salad.

Roasted Beet Salad sounds good Gert. Look so yummilious.
I always like some kinda nuts in my salad - be it walnuts, almonds or even the plain old kacang tanah.. Yum.
Cat, I too like my salad with nuts especially walnuts and pecans. Give this recipe a try. Is really easy.
Thanks for sharing this dish. It looks simple to make and healthier. I love hard boiled egg. I cannot wait for my beets in the garden to mature. The orange looking extremely sweet beets that I grow from seeds seems shy to come up.:-(
Ya Zue, cuba roast the beets this way. It retained the sweetness and the color. I pun nak cuba the orange beets. I will see if Wegman's ada jual ke tidak.
Tadi I tengok my turnips. Ada buah! But the beets tu belum naik buah dia. Emmm....
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