Thursday, October 06, 2011

Steamed Butter Caramel Cake with Dates - Day 6

I hardly steam any cakes as I prefer to bake them. My big steamer is at the basement as I find it too much hassle to take it out, clean it and then put it back again, but once a while it is nice to have something different from the usual oven-baked cakes. Actually I find steam cakes are moist and tender compared the bake ones and I should do it more often. Since the jelly mould is steam-proof I decided to make some steamed caramel cake. It is a bit like the Dates Pudding but instead of steam bakes this is steamed. It turns out really moist, delicious and a nice fragrant of the caramel. I am definitely going to make this again but a bigger one :)


1 stick/113 gram butter – room temperature
2 eggs
100 gram sugar
80 ml water
70 ml milk
160 gram flour
½ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp baking soda
10 dates – cut into small pieces

1. Make the caramel. Put the sugar and water in a small saucepan and cook them over medium heat until it starts to turn golden brown. Watch it carefully because once the syrup turns golden it will darken very quickly. Remove from heat and let it cool completely.
2. Line and greased the 2 jelly moulds. Combined the flour, baking powder, baking soda and mix it well. Set it aside.
3. Cream butter until light and fluffy. Add in the eggs one at a time and beat until well combined. Pour in the cool caramel. Mix well.
4. Add in the flour in 3 batches alternately with the milk. Add in the dates and mix until combined. Pour into the jelly mould and steam for 35 minutes or until cake tester comes out clean.
5. Cool completely and serve it with some fresh whipping cream.

Note: Don’t forget to leave a comment for a better chance to win an Olympus VG-110 camera. Giveaway is open worldwide. Entries close 30 th October 2011.


K.Nor said...

mesti moist kan gert bila kek ni dikukus.. dan wangi bau karamel .. boleh try ni.. dates always ada kat dapur :)

ChopinandMysaucepan said...

There is something about melting chocolate that is so enticing! I've never ever baked a cake before let alone steam one so this mould might just be the kickstart for me!

Unknown said...

Tat jelly cone mould from Royal Selangor really makes great dishes lor...speechless after seeing what u have made so far...


Cheah said...

What a great idea to steam the cake in that jelly mould ... looks yummy!

Yat Maria said...

Gert..u sure are talented my dear... :)..the things u can do with that mould!gd job!

Kak Sam said...

Suka tengok. Kreatif

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

This jelly mould look really versatile , even can steam cake huh, this sound good.

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

This is a multi-purpose mould :)-

WendyinKK said...

Gert, you are so good, really putting this mould into really good use.

Elin Chia said...

You are so creative....the chocolate lava cascading down looks good on your steamed cake...salivating;) and you really know how to use the jelly mold to it's fullest;) I an sure Royal Selangor will be proud of you.

Jeannie said... you steam them with a holder? your steamer must be really deep to be able to do that.

ann low said...

WOW! This is amazing! I love the melted chocolate flowing down from the top. So Lovely!

mycookinghut said...

I love how the chocolate is melting! Lovely!

suituapui said...

Yum! That makes me crave for cake... Lovely presentation.

Linda said...

Delicious chocolate volcano!! Love it!! I didn't know can steam cake! Can't wait for your creations everyday! Ad I mentioned, u should start taking order from people! Don't waste your talent! Hehehe, but can't order from Australia, by then cake become pancake. :D thanks for the recipe, will try out this.

lena said...

i'm sure this is a very tasty cake! how about making some ice cream/sorbet and put into this mould?

Anonymous said...

i like steamed cake... & your cake look so tempting with the choc volcano... arghhh... :)

Kitchen Corner said...

This mould make the steam cake looks so outstanding!! I like it!!

ninazsyafinaz said...

Hye Gert..whoa..another way to do with dates and the mould.Buat Naz rasa nak makan..ader lagi tak?

hanushi said...

Steam cake is always more healthy... :) Hehe... I love the choco pour on top like a volcano... :)

ICook4Fun said...

K.Nor, kek ni memang sedap. Hubby I suka sangat. Semalam I buat satu lagi tapi besar sikit lah. Nor cubalah :)

ChopinandMysaucepan, yea chocolate is the best. Trying steaming with it, it works out well.

Angeline, yea if you make a lot of things with it but have to think hard lor :)

Cheah, thanks.

Yat, thank you so much for your support.

Kak Sam, thanks.

Sonia, yea can steam with it. Lucky for that if not I run out of ideas :)

Eileen, yeap.

ICook4Fun said...

Wendy, yea have to think what I can do with it everyday :)

Elin, ha ha.. i sure hope so :)

Jeannie, yes I do have a holder and I have a big steamer too :)

Ann, thank you.

Leemei, I like your cake too. Very creative!

Suituapui, thank you.

Linda, yes you can steam with the mould. Thanks you for your support. You want to order from me. True also, by the time it reach there it will be like pancake. Never, I visit you in Australia and I make for you. By the way, which part of Australia are you at?

Lena, I already done that. Just waiting to be post. Thanks for the suggestions :)

Hunny, thanks.

Kitchen Corner, thank you.

Nina, ada. Nak tak?

Hanushi, thank you :)

Lite Home Bake said...

This looks like a yummy looking volcano, great job!

Shereen said...

I must try out this cake since we all here enjoyed dates pudding a lot.Beautiful presentation.

Anonymous said...

Actually Shereen is not quite correct! Not all of us enjoy dates. However if she makes steamed butter caramel cake without dates, well thats an entirely different matter.... Simon

Anonymous said...

I agree with you aunty that steaming a cake makes it moist and nice. Once again it looks like a volcano exploding delicious melted chocolate!

Shereen said...

Grrrr...tak anak, bapak yang buat I geram!!!

Alannia said...

Hi Gert,

I have tried making this cake yesterday but it's not too successful. Somehow the caramel will not stay liquid after it was cooled. I had to warm it up again to get it to liquefy.

I manage to pour some in while it's a little warm. Once it comes in contact with the butter, it became solid rock and it also melted the butter quite a bit. In the end, I did not add in the caramel but added normal sugar to whip it up again.

I did not add any milk as it was wet enough. Fortunately, it turned out all right. When I took it out from the steamer, it smells really eggy. We still enjoyed the cake as the butter smell came through and the ggy smell was gone after cooling down.

I would think the cake would smell wonderful if I had managed to add in the caramel. The cake was moist and tender.

Would like your advice on the caramel.

Sorry for such a long comment.

Thanks and regards.

ICook4Fun said...

Alannia, I made this cake again two days ago and it came out perfect. I double up the recipe. Anyway, did you cook the caramel too long and all the water evaportated? Another way you can do is cook the sugar first and once it become caramel pour in the water. Cook until the caramel melted again. It smells eggy because there is not much caramel on your cake. Hope you try to make this again. I will post up the one I baked again once the Jellyriffic challenge is over.

Alannia said...

Thanks, Gert. I will cook the sugar first. I may have cooked away the water as I waiting for it to brown.

Do you cook the sugar and water low heat to 'retain' the water?

Luckily the eggy smell was gone after it cooled down. I will definitely do this again as all of us love it.

My Little Space said...

My previous comment went missing on this page. Well, anyway.... I love this idea very much. I have yet made any steam cake for a very long time. Shoud do so!

Anonymous said...

Mount chocolate is erupting!