I bought a mini donut pan at the Le Gourmet Chef when I went shopping at the premium outlets with Pinky and I just can't wait to try out these yummy treats.
This bake donuts is soft and fluffy and tasted as good as the deep-fried ones and is much healthier. You can glaze it with anything you want but I prefer mine in simple cinnamon sugar and lemon glaze.
Ingredients :
1 cup of flour
1/4 cup of sugar
3/4 tsp of baking powder
3/4 tsp of baking soda
pinch of salt
1 egg
1 tub of plain yogurt (227 grm or 8 oz)
1 tbsp of melted butter
1 tsp of vanilla
2 tsp of lemon juice
1 tsp of powder sugar for dusting

2) In a small bowl combined all the dry ingredients.
3) Combined egg, yogurt, melted butter, lemon juice and vanilla until well mix.
4) Stir in dry ingredients into the egg mixture until well combined. Do not over mixed.
5) Divide the batter evenly into the baking pan and bake for 12-15 min or until golden brown.
6) Cool in pan for 5 min before removing it into the cool rack.
7) Roll it with cinnamon sugar or glazes.

The sugar coated donut looks so good... Eh, baked donut definitely healthier than the fry one, bukan??
I love the sugar coated one la simple and yummy ,, wish I can do that too I can't have deep fry thing will cost me lot of pain in my tummy but I love Donut , your recipe is such a good one la but can't find those kind of baking tray in UK .... so I can't have any fat free donut .
krispy kreme is sinful! nasib we dont have it here in NL. we're fortunate to have that tray here, quite affordable too (pearly, interested ke?)
thanks so much for the recipe gert! will get hold of the tray next time!
This is interesting. Definitly healthy. I must look out for this product.
What was it that you put in the center of your dough ?
I just fried fish and I had to clean the whole kitchen. :(
Cat, memang much healthier :)
Pearly, I am sure you can find this donut pan at those store selling kitchen stuff.
Zaza, bake some Aidan :)
Nonya,are you talking about the white stuff on the baking pan. I sprinkle some powder sugar to the pan. Yeah, after frying anything I have mop the kitchen floor and also clean the whole stove and counter.
Gert, I bought this mini dougnut pan too but haven´t tried it. Ur doughnut look so good!
You made doughnuts!!! :) Looks like the pan comes in handy after all! I'd like a bite of that doughnut please!
ooo..itu gunanya that tray...
u just push the dough in ke?
slalu I buat donut guna cutter...anyway...tu fry punya version la..
now I'm hungry for doughnuts...
definitely will give ur recipe a try
Retno, do try out this recipe. The donuts is really soft even the second day.
Pinky, too bad you can't stay long if not we can make this together with all your fav toppings :) :)
drNo, this batter is soft like cake batter. So you can just spoon it into the pan.
Aiyo!!..now you make me wanna to buy donut pan...hahaha!! I dunno donut have pan!!..You donut look very crispy and brown,not fatting since it's bake,must try your recipe once I got the pan!!.Thanks for sharing:)
Beachlover, we can never have too many baking pan so pergi beli cepat cepat :) :)
I love donut with a cup of hot coffee in the morning. But since my cholesterol is above the roof, I have limit my intake for this delicious breakfast treat. Your bake donut sounds much healthier. Next time I pergi shopping, I'll look out for this cute donut pan.
Zue, at least we don't feel so guilty after eating the bake donuts :)
hi...what kind of flour do you use for your donuts?? they def look real nice?
taste wise, they taste similar to the fried ones?
Nice to see another recipe for baked donut again. Tried others before but disappointed as it's not really the same texture as bakery shops'. will be in my To-do again at least to uilitise my donut tray. :P
I've found Ottogi Donuts Premix from Korea in the chinatown, do you think it's nice? have you tried.
Hi! i really want to try those mini donuts...can anyone tell me where i can get that mini donut pan, pls...:)
Kamilah, all the recipe here used AP flour unless I state something different. Of course the taste of this can't be compare to the fried one.
AK, the baked shops donuts are fried and mostly with yeast.
Anon, never try it before.
ORixara, I bought the baking pan here in the US. You can try looking for at at the bakery supply store.
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