Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Beef Chow Fun/Stir-Fry Rice Noodles with Beef

Beef chow fun or stir-fry beef in rice noodles is a very popular dish here in the US. Every Chinese restaurant or take out place will have this dish in their menu. Basically it is just beef strips stir-fry with fresh rice noodles (hor fun), bean sprouts and onion. The important factor in making this dish is very hot wok and stir-fry must be done quickly. I like having this dish in the restaurant but they are usually very oily which I am not a fan of that is why I prefer to cook it myself. This way I can control the amount of oil I put into it.


10 oz fresh rice noodles
½ pound flank steak
1 medium onion – sliced thinly
2 cups bean sprout
5 slices ginger
3 cloves garlic – finely chopped
3 spring onions – cut into 1” length

Seasoning for the beef:

1 tsp corn starch
2 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine – optional

Seasoning for the Noodles:

2 tbsp oyster sauce
3 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp thick dark soy sauce
¼ cup chicken stock or water
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Sliced the flank steak thinly across the grain and marinate it with the seasoning. Set it aside for half and an hour.
2. Cut the rice noodles into half inch thick and rinse it over warm water to remove any access oil. If you are using rice noodles that already been refrigerated you need to soften them up in the microwave for 2 minutes before washing it. Set it aside.
3. Combined the seasonings for the noodles in a bowl and set it aside.
4. Heat up the wok over high heat. Add in 2 tbsp of oil and add in the beef. Lay them flat, do not stir it until they are sear and brown before flipping it over to the over side. Let it sear the other side. Remove from the wok and set aside. This will only take a minute on each side.
5. In the same wok add in another 1 tbsp of oil into the wok. Add in the ginger, garlic and onion. Stir-fry until fragrant and lightly brown.
6. Add in the rice noodles, stir fry them for a minutes. Add in the seasoning mix and continue to stir-fry for another 1 minutes. Add in the spring onions and bean sprouts. Toss and stir until well mix. Check seasonings.
7. When the taste is to your liking, add in the beef. Give it a good stir and mix well for about 30 seconds. Turn off the heat and serve immediately.


WendyinKK said...

One of my favs!
Gon Chow Ngau Hor, yummy!

ann low said...

This is my favourite too!
Yes is healthy to cook this at home with less oil.

Мъх said...

This looks so yummy!
Here this receipe is not very popular, but I;ll try it for sure!
Nice evening!

Anonymous said...

yum... my fav too! Shall just stare at your dish, cos I'm not sure if I can cook this dish well ;)

3 hungry tummies said...

I can taste the wok hei from here. well done!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oh gosh, it's lunch time and I've not eaten! That beef kuey diao looks so good! Yummy!

Elin said...

Wow...mouth-watering indeed ! Looks better than those restaurant ones....I love this dish too but too oily those served at restaurant so can only enjoy this once in a blue moon :p

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

But I still prefer this noodles to prepare from tai chow stall which is full of wok hei, too bad, I did not see here selling hor fun with beef since not many Chinese eating beef. Anyway , like you said, eating homemade one is less oily and healthy .

FiSh said...

yes usually this dish would be oily but i love yours coz it looks really healthy :)

Latest: Aftermath of CNY; What do you think?

Shereen said...

That hor fun of yours really look so good!How come you never tell me to try some when I was in LA?

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

Gert, this noodle look super yummy! I've a blog award for you, please hop over to collect when you are free :)

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

This kueh tiao looks glossy, must be very tasty! I have something for you in my blog. Have a nice weekend.

mycookinghut said...

Looks absolutely yummy!

ICook4Fun said...

Wendy, mine too :)

Ann, yes the one from the restaurant is usually very oily.

Mbx, thank you.

Fong's Kitchen, I am sure you can. You cook and bake so well. No problem for you at all ;)

Bee Bee, thank you. How are you doing by the way?

Elin, yea flat noodles sometime do need a lot of oil to cook in it if you are not using a non-stick pan.

Sonia, yea the tai chow one has a lot of wok hei which we home cook can't achive that :)

Fish, thank you.

ICook4Fun said...

Shereen, thank you. I didn't know you like this too. Never mind next time you are in SF I cook it for you or we go to the restaurant to have some.

Ah Tze, thank you so much for the award.

Eileen, thanks for the award and hope you had a great weekend.

Leemei, thanks

Dmarie said...


Alice said...

looks seriously yummy! :)

Anonymous said...

I made this dish the other night in my special wok.... (it was a wonderful christmas gift from a close friend) and it was delicious...I followed the recipe to a T as this was my first attempt at preparing this dish ever..... I was very happy with the finished product....thank you for a great recipie....I will make this dish alot in the future....