Friday, October 21, 2011

Rainbow Steamed Cake - Day 21

I can't believe that we are into day 21 of the Royal Selangor Jellyriffic challenge. 9 more posting to go and I think most of us will have a huge sigh of relieve. This has to be the most hectic month for me because of this challenge and also some un-expected personal matters.

Now back to this cake. Does this cake remind you of the Red Indian Teepee ha ha..? The more I look at it the more it resembles a colorful teepee. This is actually my 2nd attempts making this cake. The first time it didn’t turn out well. The top and bottom part cake was cooked but not the middle. When I unmold it, it falls apart. I guess I didn’t steam them long enough. Those who knew me will know that I am not easily defeated. I mix the second batch of batter right away and this time I steamed it for 40 minutes and voila. Came out perfect!! This cake is pretty healthy as there is not butter or oil in it. Just a little bit of coconut milk.


3 eggs
80 gram sugar
½ tsp vanilla
130 gram cake flour
1/8 tsp. salt
100 ml. coconut milk
Green, red, blue and yellow food coloring (or any color of your choice)

1. Line and greased the Moulds. Prepare the steamer and bring the water up to a boil. Combined flour and salt together. Mix well and set it aside.
2. Whisk eggs with sugar and vanilla until mixture is thick and pale in color. Using spatula, fold in flour and coconut milk in small amounts till well mixed.
3. Divide mixture into 4 equal parts. Stir in red coloring into one part, green into the 2nd part, yellow into the 3rd part and blue into the 4th part.
4. Put about 2 tbsp of each color of the batter into the jelly mould. One color on top of each other. Steamed for 35 - 40 minutes or skewer comes out clean when tested.
5. Let it cool in the mould for 10 minutes before removing the cake from the mould. Cool completely before cutting it.

Note: If you steamed them in little silicon moulds or muffin pan it will only takes 15-18 minutes to cook.

Note: Don’t forget to leave a comment for a better chance to win an Olympus VG-110 camera. Giveaway is open worldwide. Entries close 30th October 2011.


hanushi said...

I love the colourful cut-up slices! Not just kids will love the colours, I will not be able to resist too... :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Gert, ya, 9 more jelly to go! So fast you already made 21 jelly, bravo ! This look so colorful and light.

WendyinKK said...

wow! double the time in this mould?
Have to double the thoughts if purchasing this

K.Nor said...

sweetnyer colour apam tu.. eh boleh dipanggil apam kan :)

go go gert! u can do it.. :)

lena said...

i'm looking at the picture of the mould and there are lines or designs on the surface of the mould, are they just patterns or is it there for a purpose?

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

This cake is beautifully done, I love the colour tone of this cake! Gambattene, Gert!

Jane Chew said...

cheers for another success! Well done!

nadia.H said...

the colour came out soo pretty..i wish i had ur talent in baking =)

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

So cool!

Vanille said...

I'm so gonna make this!
In yellow, orange, pink and redd!
Wish me luck!

Nancy and Bandit said...

haha. It does look resemble like a Teepee. Brilliant creation!

ReeseKitchen said...

Another nice one!! Beautiful colours and very very attractive!!

Home Cooking said...

soo colorful and yum yum..!!!

pearly said...

you are a super cook ... look at the beautiful clour ,,,, it must have take up all your time to make it so clourfull .
you ae the Best of the Best mydear friend xxxxxx

suituapui said...

Very pretty.

Anonymous said...

really interesting...

Sara said...

Wow, so pretty! I love the colors. :)

Anonymous said...

what a cute idea!!!

Cheah said...

The cake looks so spongy and soft.
Colourful too!

Linda said...

3 cheers for u! Another 9 days to go! Your creations were sooo amazing! Not only a chef, u can be cake designer! The colour are sooo awesome! Kids and adults will be drooling!

Anonymous said...

That's a very pretty steamed cake and you're right, it does look like a teepee. Simon

Jeannie said...

I love beautiful!

Kristy said...

this is amazing!! :) i am so gonna try this!!

Shereen said...

Love the colours...very festive and I am sure the taste is delicious too:)

ICook4Fun said...

Hanushi, yes kids will love this cake because of the color :)

Sonia, yea, going to be done soon. I am going to miss using the cone mould :)

Wendy, yes because of the way this mould design, the center takes longer to cook and the mould is very thick too. Don't hesitate to get one as it gives a very nice cone shape design :)

K.Nor, kek ni menang texture macam apam kerana tak ada minyak dan butter kan. Thanks for the encouragement :)

Lena, yes it is just the design. There are very unique.

Ah Tze, Jane, thank you.

Nadia, Eileen, thank you.

Vanille, this cake is easy. You be alright :)

Nancy and Bandit, thank you :)

ICook4Fun said...

Reese, Home Cooking, thank you.

Pearly, thank you. This cake is not difficult to make so it didn't take too much of my time.

Suituapui, Hunny, thanks.

Sara, Mybeautifuldisasters, Cheah, thank you ladies :)

Linda, yea 9 more days to go..phew..

Simon, :) :)

Jeannie, Kristy, thank you.

Shereen, thanks you. Texture of this cake is like sponge cake :)

Anonymous said...

This is such a Dr. Seuss dessert! :P

Leep0ng said...

Steamed cake hm? It sounds nice and fluffy! I love the colors

I wouldn't have thought about using coconut milk though, nice touch.

All these recipes with the cones are very creative and are making me drool..

My Little Space said...

Love the rainbow colour very much especially after cutting it.

Sharn said...

So pretty! I get all girly about stuff like this. Just art!