Monday, October 03, 2011

Dried Longan with Wolfberry Jelly - Day 3

I thought we are having some nice autumn temperature but it turn out hot and humid again a few days ago. With weather like this I normally like some cold sweet soup of grated winter melon and dried logan but since it is the Royal Selangor Jellyriffic challenge I make it into jelly. I omit the winter melon and added agar agar powder to it. Nice little dessert for the hot summer like weather.


1/2 cup dried longan
1 tbsp wolfberry/gojiberries
6 dried red dates
1 pandan leaf
500 ml water
1 tsp agar agar powder + 1 tbsp water
1 tbsp sugar – more if you like it sweeter

1. Wash the dried longan, wolfberries, red dates and set it aside.
2. Bring the water to a boil; add in the washed ingredients and pandan leaf. Bring it up to a boil and turn down the heat let it simmer for 10 minutes.
3. Mix the agar agar powder with water and add it into the simmering pot. Bring it up to a boil and continue to stir until agar agar powder dissolve. Add in the sugar.
4. Wet the jelly moulds. Pour it into the Jelly moulds and let it set completely. Serve cold.

Note: Don’t forget to leave a comment for a better chance to win an Olympus VG-110 camera. Giveaway is open worldwide. Entries close 30 th October 2011


Charmaine said...

Interesting combo. Looks good for warm weather.

ann low said...

Love this traditional dessert with a twist :)

hanushi said...

This is like our chinese dessert, but you make it in jelly-form. Great job! :)

K.Nor said...

mesti sejuk jer anak tekak tu time ngap kan gert.. nice :)

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Like the chinese 'qing tang' which can be served hot or cold. Very creative piece of work. Well done!

Lite Home Bake said...

Interesting, old time dessert with a twist, must try this out someday! Love this 30 day challenge, so much to look forward to from all those participating. Quite an effort though, appreciate the sharing!

ChopinandMysaucepan said...

What a beautiful idea to create jelly out of this drink since it has different shapes and colours! Great work!

ninazsyafinaz said...

Hye Gert!!

Good is your weekend? When I was looking at your today N3 the first thing pop to my mind is "How will it be look like if we make Puding Kasih bertaut using this mould?"

ReeseKitchen said...

Oh I like this!! Beautiful color and shape...:)) Like to have a bite now....;p

Jun said...

Mother always makes this for us too. I particularly love the addition of lotus seeds in hers. Very delicious. I always chilled them to the point of becoming a bowl of ice block. :)

Can't wait to see what you are coming up tomorrow.

mycookinghut said...

Love this! I just think a traditional dessert into jelly is wonderful!

qtpp said...

wow!! i love this jelly mould!! not your avergae jelly mould shape!! <3

Anonymous said...

cooooolllll... this jelly makes me to get the lai ci kang right away...

Ummi said...

Waaaaaaaa...another jelly! Go Gert go...wish you all the can do it! :))

Elin said...

Love this cooling jellies! You are so creative :) They look cute !

Nate @ House of Annie said...

I don't think I've had this soup with grated wintermelon. Do you mean the dried, sugar squash candy?

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

Very creative combination for a jelly! All the best for the challenge!

Unknown said...

Another nice jelly.

I have an idea here, what about making nasi kerabu with the coned shape? or something like our Malay kuih - pulut inti...must be nice right? can try it out!


DG said...

Pretty cute shape, love this healthy jelly dessert :)

Angie's Recipes said...

How adorable! Love the shape.

hanushi said...

I am thinking you can make it into a Christmas tree theme jelly... Like a white Christmas tree with green cendol. I am sure it will look gorgeous. :)

suituapui said...

Another very pretty creation. Bet that tastes good too.

YumMum said...

Nice! How about some kueh type dessert? Topping is custard with glutinous rice.. yummy!


ICook4Fun said...

Charmaine, Ann, hanushi, K.Nor, thank you :)

Eileen, thank you.

Lite Home Bake, it is challenging but I don't mind doing it. I actually get the hand of it and enjoy it. Once the 30 days are up I am going to miss the cone ha ha..

ChopinandMysaucepan, thanks you.

Nina, thanks for the suggestion.

Reese, thanks.

Jun, oh she added lotus seeds. Good idea. Going to do that the next time. Love you Strawberry agar agar :)

Leemei, thanks. Looking forward to your creations :)

Qtpp, yeap, pretty versitile mould.

Hunny75, yea pretty much like lin chee kang.

Ummi, thanks for the support Ummi.

Nate & Annie, no, you add grated fresh winter melon to it. They were good. Like eating sharkfin :)

Biren, thanks for the support :)

アンゼエリン , thanks for the suggestions.

DG, Angie, thanks.

Hanushi, mmmm nice idea. See if I can get to it :)

Suituapui, thanks.

YumMum, thanks for the suggestion :)

My Little Space said...

Such assorted flavour of jelly! Frankly, I won't stop at one. ha...

Celia G. said...

I always want to try these awesome jelly-things I find online...and goji's are just so damn tasty. Wish I had the time!

Shasha Mohamed said...

Cooling jelly indeed ;)

WendyinKK said...

leong cha in a jelly cone. So cute :)

Shereen said...

Gert, makan this jelly sure kenyang one..hahaha...macam-macam 'rubbish' kat dalam tu!Cantik Gert..the jelly I mean..and you of!

Anonymous said...

Jelly again! Not my favourite but I have to say it still looks delicious Gert. Simon

Anonymous said...

Aunty, I`m not very keen on the things inside the jelly, but i bet the outside of it is nice. It looks very pretty.

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

this dessert looks so special with the triangle shape :)