Ingredients :
1 piece of silky tofu
3 oz of ground chicken meat
10 white button mushroom - sliced thinly
1 small carrots - cut into small cubes
2 spring onions - cut small
2 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp of soy sauce
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 cup of chicken stock + 1 tsp of cornstarch
salt and pepper to taste
Marinate for chicken
1 tbsp of oyster sauce
1 tbsp of soy sauce
1. Marinate the meat and set aside for 15 minutes.
2. In a steamer, steam the tofu for about 5 minutes. Remove the excess water and set aside.
3. Heat up the oil in a pan. Add the garlic and saute until fragrant. Add the meat and carrots and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes.
4. Add in mushroom, stir fry for a minute, add sugar, soy sauce and pepper and immediately stir in the chicken stock. Bring it up to a boil and cook until sauce thicken. Check seasoning.
5. Pour the sauce over the tofu and garnish with spring onions and serve warm.
I am submitting this dish for Weekend Wokking . This month’s star ingredient is mushrooms and is hosted by Marija of Palachinka .
1/2 cup of chicken stock + 1 tsp of cornstarch
salt and pepper to taste
Marinate for chicken
1 tbsp of oyster sauce
1 tbsp of soy sauce
2. In a steamer, steam the tofu for about 5 minutes. Remove the excess water and set aside.
3. Heat up the oil in a pan. Add the garlic and saute until fragrant. Add the meat and carrots and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes.
4. Add in mushroom, stir fry for a minute, add sugar, soy sauce and pepper and immediately stir in the chicken stock. Bring it up to a boil and cook until sauce thicken. Check seasoning.
5. Pour the sauce over the tofu and garnish with spring onions and serve warm.
I am submitting this dish for Weekend Wokking . This month’s star ingredient is mushrooms and is hosted by Marija of Palachinka .
Ah, I was thinking about steamed tofu for dinner last night but instead of the silken tofu, I ter"bought" the soft tofu... I thought soft=silk/smooth type of tofu... Aduh, ended up goreng the soft sliced tofu and added to my sambal stir-fried asparagus... Turned out GOOD....!!!!
I like this dish, not only easy to prepare but it goes well with rice.
Quick, easy, and healthy. That's the kind of dish we all need in the new year. :)
Looks like an easy dish. Lots of gravy too to go with the rice. Will give it a try, thanks for sharing.
Nice! Healthy and yummy!
Eh this is good for my diet... shall try this.. but.. where do i find this silky tofu? shall explore either at carre4 or jusco
Tofu is my favourite also!
Looks good! I saw you on Tastespotting! yay!
How's that new camera working out?
I haven't worked with silky tofu in a meal yet, only in smoothies.
Cat, this dish will be good for your diet :)
Little Inbox, I always like this kind of easy dish.
Wondering Chopstick, yea we need this kind of dish after all the eating last year :)
Pinky, this is a very easy dish to prepare. You can also add prawns to it.
Pigpig corner, yeap.
Ummi, you can always use Japanese tofu for this dish. They taste almost the same :)
Leemei, yeap. I like all soy products :)
Dawn, the new camera is working well but I need some time to explore all the features.
this tofu dish is a sure winner, silky and delicious.
I've been craving tofu since I got here..and they don't sell silken tofu here.. this post you have, it's exactly the image I have in mind whenever my craving hits!! :)
I have some silken tofu in the fridge - I am going to give this a go tomorrow. Looks so yum.
PS: Will answer your e-mail in the next few days.
That looks tasty!
I bought few pack of silken tofu motnhs ago when visit chinatown but totally forget about it..Now you remind me to make some tofu for Mishu.She love it dearly with minced pork!! should cook for her today instead of sushi..
This looks divine. A great combination with the tofu and mushrooms. I'll definitely be trying this out. Thanks for the great recipe.
What a great idea, I shall try it out... it is healthy and delicious.
BBO, yeap.
Foodbox, you can always use the Japanese tofu that comes in a tube. They taste pretty much the same.
Vg, ok.
Kevin, thank you.
Lesley, Carlos will never ever go near to tofu. You are lucky Mishu like tofu :)
Syrie, thank for stopping by,
Bit of Taste, I like all soy products :)
Wow, never thought to put mushrooms like that on top. Nice addition!
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