Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake Bars

I will be away for a few weeks so I am trying to clear up most of my perishable stuff in my fridge these past weeks. I still have 2 block of the low fat cream cheese in there and decided to make this luscious, smooth and creamy Strawberry Cheesecake.

Ingredients :

1 ¼ cups graham crumbs
¼ cup butter, melted
2 packet (8 oz each) I used low fat cream cheese, softened at room temperature
3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 Tbsp flour
3 tbsp of lemon juice
2 eggs
1/3 cup strawberry jam

1. Preheat oven to 325ºF. Grease and line an 8” x 8” square baking with parchment paper with leaving an overhang on both side (for easy removing you slices later)
2. Mix crumbs and butter together and press firmly into bottom of the pan. Set it aside.
3. Beat cream cheese, sugar, flour and lemon juice in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, beating on low speed after each addition, just until blended. Pour over crust.
4. Heat up strawberry jam slightly in the microwave. Gently drop jam by small spoonfuls over top of batter. Cut through batter several times with knife for marble effect.
5. Bake 40 min. or until centre is set. Cool. Refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight before cutting it.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Gert I'm drooling..... This looks so delicious! I love it!
Rgds - Mima

vock said...

It looks so delicious! --- Hope to try it someday!

Kiersten said...

Aiyo sedapnya!! *grumbling stomach*

Home Cooking said...

absolutely fantastic!

Beachlover said...

your swirl always look good! I'm just thinking what to bake for our guest and now you give me an idea!

Macaroni and Cheesecake said...

Those look so scrumptious! My husband will love these.

Christine Ho said...

They look delicious!
My daughter loves cheese cake very much, esp. with strawberry.

Debbie said...

Oh, oh, oh.....does those ever look good!

Zue Murphy said...

Your swirl looks great. I can eat load of this cheese bar.

Cat Cat said...

We are clearing our fridge too... and no cooking for next week.. Yahoo!!!

Anonymous said...

That looks delicious! Have fun in KL and a save journey.

Elin Chia said...

Hi Gert,

Have added this to my To-Do List :)
Piggies love anything cheesy.

Have a safe flight back!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colour - Nice job.

pigpigscorner said...

Looks amazing with the strawberry swirls!

ICook4Fun said...

Mima & Vanessa, thank you.

Pinky, since you have an oven you can always make this :)

Isha, thank you.

Lesley, hope you guest like this :)

Stephanie & Christine, hope both of you will try this out :)

Debbie & Zue, thank you.

Cat, I have to if not when I come back a monster will be there to great me :)

Angie & Elin, thank you.

GK & Pigpig, thank you :)

vanillasugarblog said...

Oh those look so tasty. I have been craving strawberries for a while now but can't find any that look that good. Those strawberries look perfect, where did you find them this time of year?

Little Corner of Mine said...

Oh, looking pretty and yummy!

test it comm said...

Those cheesecake bars look good!

ICook4Fun said...

Dawn, thank you. I bought the strawberries from Wegmans. Paid $3.99 for a punnet.

LCOM, thank you.

Kevin, thank you.

tigerfish said...

I love it being bite-sized!

Anonymous said...

this is just an awesome treat!!! :)

Cakespy said...

Oh, my! These not only sound delicious, but they're so visually pleasing too--like modern art, but far more palatable! :-)

Colleen said...

These look soooo good - I can't wait to try them!

ICook4Fun said...

Tigerfish, I am sure you will like this :)

Mikky, thank you.

Cakespy, thank you.

Colleen, hope you like this cheesecake bars :)

Anonymous said...

I made this - was delish and went down sooooo well!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gert,

I want to try out the Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake Bar. But what is parchment paper? Do you have a picture of it? Well, I live in Singapore. Thank you & regards, AG

ICook4Fun said...

tabsy, thank you.

Anon, parchment is just those normal paper that you use to line the base of baking pan.

Chimmy said...

I made this today. Yum!! I microwaved some white chocolate chips and added it to the cream cheese mixture. It turned it out beautiful. thx.

Lilacz said...

The cake looks beautifully delicious! Just wondering if the normal cheesecake tips apply for this cheesecake bars too? As in, to prevent sinking or cracking, to keep the cheesecake in closed oven after being switched off for at least few hours before chilling it...did you do that cuz your cake looks not seem to have any problem on sinking or cracking. Thanks for your advise and sharing!

Foodmaniac said...

i really LOVED the cheesecake... but i'm a novice at this, and it browned in the oven so it didn't come out looking quite as pretty :( How do you get cheesecake to stay white (cover it?)... would appreciate any advice!

ICook4Fun said...

Chimmy, I am sure it taste really good with the extra white choc in it.

Lilacz, I didin't let it cool down in the oven as I bake it in a lower temperature oven (325 degree F)

Foodmaniac, I am not sure what type of oven you used as different oven bake differently. If it gets too brown, you can either lower down the temperature when you bake this the next this and bake it at a lower rack.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gertrude,

I made your cheesecake and your lime bundt cake for my birthday yesterday :) My family and I enjoyed them so much, as well as my husband's colleagues.

Thank you so much for your kind sharing.


ICook4Fun said...

Hi Margaret, thanks for you comment. I am glad your family enjoyed the recipe your bakes :)

Anonymous said...

If I double the recipe, how long should it be baked?