Baked a few loaves of
No-Knead Bread over the weekend. Gave some to Nancy and Diana. I made 2 loaves of white bread and two whole-wheat (one with walnuts and cranberries).
Hubby with his favourite white crusty bread

Diana with her loaf of bread :)

Whole-wheat with Walnuts and Cranberries

This is my kind of bread :)
Wah, you rajin bikin roti ya... Your bread looks so delicious - better than those sell in the grocery. Ada berani jadi taukeh bakery, Gert..???
mmmmmm home bake bread is the BEST
I second Cath's suggestion. :)
Gert, you jadi taukeh, I kuli, ok?
Yum yum...
betul tu Gert. besarnya and nampak gebu and sedap. better dari kat restaurant.
wow!!lol!! look at your hubby open mouth waiting ...like JAWs!!Everybody post with bread,how about you Gert?mana gambar?.Fisherman love to post their fish,baker must do that too!!.I have so many thing wanna to bake from your recipe but afraid masuk tong sampah..love your recipe.
Cat, Rita & Choy, baking for family and friends boleh lah but to open a bakery I am not qualified yet. Still a lot to learn :)
Pearly, homemade bread is the best :)
PJ, this bread senang nak buat that is why i make it often. Kalau nak canai canai tak larat lah :)
Beachlover, my hubby memang suka bread. Cannot lah put my ugly face. You guys will run away from my blog :) :) Lots of my baking went to the tong sampah too when I start learning to bake but it will get better. Keep on trying until you get it right :)
We have a report here on TV and it says that people should not make their own bread bcos the method of cooking and the ingredients they use will never match the bakery shops here (in France). I think I will have to disagree with them, you certainly make very appealing bread!
Bee Ean, the French are the best bakers and I don't think anyone of us can bake like them :)
Gert, cantik your bread! Look at your hubby trying to eat the big loaf. Kesian dia. Diana tu sorok belakang roti ke tu. Malu*?. Mana ada muka you tak cantik. Cantik what with that tahi lalat. :-)
Zue, kelakar lah you :):) Manalah cantik. Dah tua tua macam ni. Yeah, that is Diana :)
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