Blended ingredients :
3 garlic
3 shallots
3 buah keras (can replaced with almonds)
2" fresh tumeric (can replaced with 1 tbsp of tumeric powder)
1" fresh ginger
2 red chilis
1 stalk of lemon grass
Blend the above ingredients with some water into a paste.
Ingredients :
1 pound of prawns
2 tomatoes - quartered
6 curry leaves
1 tbsp of curry powder
1 cup of coconut milk
juice of half lemon
1 tsp of sugar
salt and pepper to taste
1) Put some oil into the frying pan and stir-fry the kapitan paste, curry powder and curry leaves for a few mintues or until fragrant.
2) Add in prawns and stir fry for 1 min and then add in the coconut milk.
3) Cook for 2 mintues and then add in the tomatoes, lemon juice, sugar salt and pepper to taste.
4) Cook for another 3 mintues and dish out and served with warm rice.
Note : You can used this paste to cook with chicken too but it will take longer to cook. You can add more coconut milk this dish if you want more gravy.
wow yet another lovely disher . your hubby is a lucky men xxxxxyumyummy
yummy....loves this curry....
Gert, mintak sikit...sedap nampak!
I can almost taste the prawns... Yum yum.. Kalau nak tambah lady fingers boleh tak? Cath memang gila lady fingers.
Gert ...ooohhh!! look good and yummy..another good receipe!!.Isn't this Kapitan Prawn taste like Sambal Udang with daun limau purut?.Did Carlos eat this dish?.
nampakkkk sedap sekali, really mouthwatering, shall i came for lunch today?? hehehehe
ur prawns curry make me hungry. looks very yummy.
Gert, sedapnyer..bila lah nk makan ni..my kids x suka ade gravy..they prefer yg sambal...isk isk...minta u punyer sket la, hehehe
aiyor...I love prawns so much some more with 'kari' wah want to lau hau sui d >-<
Pearly, I am lucky too to have found my husband :)
drNo, glad you like the curry.
Zue, nanti I masak untuk you ya :)
Cat, of course you can put lady fingers. I too likes it a lot.
Beachlover, Carlos eat this when I cook it with chicken. He tak suka prawns. This dish is really mild but very lemak. I am sure your hubby will like it too.
Lia, jemput ke rumah :)
Isha, thanks.
Jun, boleh. jemput lah ke rumah I :) We should meet up when I balik Malaysia :)
Sue, I cook you this prawans you cook me your sambal petai ok :) :)
oh my god! this one look so finger-licking-delicious! asyik masak untuk zue aje, bila nak masa untuk i? :P
eh, can find daun kari in PA ke?
PJ, I will masak for you too. Bila you nak datang ke rumah I? We can find daun kari kat Indian store. You nak tak? I can belikan.
Geert: curry looks great! .. eh can I go over your place for makan-makan ? lucky zue to be able to visit you ..nice tht you have fresh curry leaves .. over here cannot find one .. only dry ones .. not so nice to put in curry .. no kicklah! ..
gert, can kalau u nak belikan i daun kari. :) so far i tak pernah jumpa lagi daun kari or daun limau purut. but then again, i tak pernah sampai ke 99 ranch pun. :(
Envy, of course you can come to my rumah also. Yea, is good to have Zue living not too far from us :)
PJ actually you can buy daun limau purut kat Ranch 99 and kari leaves from the Indian groceries store. I pernah beli when we lived at OC. Ok lah..i belikan untuk you the daun kari.
ooppss ranch 99 bukan 99 ranch. macam 99 red balloons lah pulak. hehe.
eh takyah belilah. nak hantar ke sini mahal shipping dari daun tu. thank u anyways. ;)
Hello Gert, I just came home from Princess Journal's house and savored this very dish. OMG, so good I was instantly addicted. I have gotta make this on my own now that your fantastic blog is discovered by me. All the savory dishes you make are so jilat-able!
I am an expat Mom living in Singapore whose kids are cccrazzzyyy about Nonya curry. I have been searching for a recipe for tonight's supper and, voila! I think I've found it! Looks amazing! Thank you!
Rasa Malaysia, thank you for your kind comment :)
Anon, you are most welcome :)
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