Ingredients :
2 packet of instant noodles - boil and toss dry
1 piece of fried taufoo - cut into small pieces
1 chili - cut
2 tomatoes - quartered
a small piece of fish cake - cut
10 shrimp - peel and devein
1 small bunch of mustard green (sawi)- wash and cut
2 cloves of garlic - chopped
1 shallots - chopped
Juice of half lime
1 tbsp of chili sauce
1 tbsp of tomato ketchup
1 tsp of dark soy sauce
salt and pepper to taste

1) Heat up oil and fry garlic and shallots.
2) Add in fish cake, taufoo, shrimps, cut chili and stir fry for 1 min.
3) Then add in noodles, mustard green, tomatoes and seasoning.
4) Continue to fry until dry and lastly add in lemon juice.
5) Dish out and garnish with some cut chili and fried shallots
Mee Goreng satu. Tambah pedas. HAHAHA!
Eh Gert, the pictures looks great - what is that blue background?
Ohhhhhhhh gosh this mie goreng looks so good.
iam caming not in the right time, iam stil not having breakfast and now iam really craving mie goreng mamak!
I want one too.
Even though it is made with instant noodles it still look yummy.
Gert..your Mee Goreng Mamak look yummy like the mamak stall at tepi jalan one!!..For me must have extra chili padi!!*just hint hint*..lol!!
aiyooo...mee mamak dah sampai sana..Gert, fav jun ni...hmmm, yummy! sini ujan aje..tgk gambo pon lapar laaa...
nampak sedap sgt, finger lickin' good dish.
thanks for visiting my blog, yes sure u can link me.
Gert ... only you can turn simple instant noodles into a glamour meal! YUMMY! I hope David doesn't visit your blog today. He bought a bunch of bananas yesterday after seeing your bread recipe!
Wow, mee mamak got tambah pedas or not?
Thank you everyone. I got bored eating the same old instant noodles so I jazz it up a bit :) I ate it with some chili padi...pedas.
I do the same like you. Sedap dan pedas :)
Gert, your mamak style mee using instant noodle is what I need. Cepat dan sedap dimakan. But my udang dah habis!
Retno, for me makan apa pun kena pedas. Hubby I sekarang pun pandai makan pedas pedas :)
Zue, you bila nak buat mee ni? Mee ni cepat di masak sedap di makan. Ni kan Maggi mee slogan :)
thanks for visiting my blog,mie goreng Mamak...so yummy, make me hungry
Gert..i dok kat s.alam...no problem, kalu u balik sini..bgtau i awal2 eh! sure, i cook for u...sedap x sedap...lain kira ya..
Nunung, thanks for stopping by. I am so impressed with your baking. Have a lot learn from you especially decorating cakes :)
Jun, S. Alam tak jauh :) Dulu I tinggal kat S. Jaya. I take a rain check on your offer ok. Will get in touch with you :) :)
didn kno u can make mamak mee goreng using instant noodle. michael loves mamak mee goreng. wil def try this one soon!
PJ, I tak ada mee kuning so I used lah instant noodle :)
wow! mamak mee goreng using instant noodled? Now why did'nt i think of it before. Must try this recipe. Btw, nice blog and wonderful recipes.
sweetbites, thank you for your kind comment :)
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