Tuesday, April 17, 2012

No-baked Mini Swiss Roll with Red Bean Filling

My friend Lynn Yew Evers posted a picture of these rolls at her FB page and I was immediately smitten by it and ask her if she can share the recipe with us and she agreed. Lynn, not only can cook but also an accomplished concert pianist, a teacher, she perform with rock band, and served as a judge for piano competitions. You can read more about her at her website .

Now back to the Mini Swiss Roll. This Swiss roll is made on the non-stick pan. The texture is very much like pancake and the thick apam balik. I really like it. I did tweak the recipe a little bit to suit my taste.


1 1/2 cups flour
2 tbsp cornstarch
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 large egg
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp melted butter
1 cup milk
1/2 cup water
A few drop of pandan paste - optional


Some red bean paste or any filling of your choice

1. Put all the ingredients except the filling into a blender and blend until well mix. Set the batter aside to rest for 15 minutes.
2. Greased a non stick pan (I used 12” diameter pan) with a little bit of butter over medium heat. Pour half of the batter in the pan, swirl the pan around until it covers the whole pan.
3. Cover the pan and let it cook until bubbles start appearing on top of the pancake and the bottom turns brown.
4. Flip it over and cook the other side until brown. Remove from pan, spread some red bean paste on it and roll it up like a Swiss roll. Wrap the roll up in a foil tightly and set it aside while you make the second one.
5. Once the rolls are cool, cut it and serve.

Note: You can make this using smaller non stick-pan.


hanushi said...

This is so cute! :)

Linda ong said...

I can make this for my kids! They will love it! Thanks! I believe pancake easy roll than Swiss roll, as I tend to crack it..... Tried twice n stop...... This should be better!


Puan Ros @ Sinaranmenu.blogspot said...

What agood and lovely idea,will definitely make this.Thank you for sharing.

Bakeling said...

It is a good idea for those who like swiss roll when they don't own an oven at home !

Shereen said...

So, it is not a cake at all?Texture wise, I mean.It sure looks good, though.

Anonymous said...

Can this be made 1 day in advance? Will it still be soft the next day? Thanks

lena said...

gert, thnks for another great sharing, i like this!

Watierman said...

Tq for sharing the idea....it is Great!

Cuisine Paradise said...

Love this as it can be a great afternoon snack or breakfast. I always get this from one of our local soy milk stall where they wrap the pancake with either peanuts or red bean. But now with your recipe I can make my own :) Thanks Gert!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

This is Western stype of apam balik, sound interesting!

Elin said...

Nice and simple too...thanks for sharing :) I must try it too :)

My Little Space said...

Oh dear, what a wonderful idea of making the pancake this way. I'm flying over to join you for tea. haha....
Hope you're enjoying your day, Gert.

Cheah said...

This looks easy enough to make and with red bean filling, my favourite. Thanks for sharing!

WendyinKK said...

So, it's like a roll up apam balik.
Sounds delish with some tea.

Joyce @ Chunky Cooky said...

This is a good alternative idea for a swiss roll !!

Baking Diary said...

This looks really pretty! Apam balik with fillings, sounds delicious!

ReeseKitchen said...

Very special huh...nice!

ICook4Fun said...

Hanushi, thanks.

Linda, this one didn't crack on me. Let me know how yours turn out :)

Puan Ros, you are most welcome.

Bakeling, yeap.

Shereen, it soft and chewing a bit. How does that sounds :)

Anon, I am not sure. We finish ours within a day. I am sure you can warm it up in the microwave if it harden the next day.

Lena, you are most welcome.

ICook4Fun said...

Watierman, you are welcome.

Ellena, yes we had this for our afternoon snack. Peanuts and peanut butter sounds good for the fillings too.

Sonia, not really as I still put read bean paste in it :)

Elin, you are welcome.

Kristy, you are welcome to join me anytime :)

Cheah, yes it is easy.

Wendy, yeap :)

Joyce, yes it is :)

Jeannie, thank you.

Reese, :) how are you doing my friend?

caroliegrant said...

Hello Gertrude,
Hope you can check out the email and let me know the response..

Thank you!

Miss B @ Everybody Eats Well in Flanders said...

Thank you for sharing this recipe.

I often go to an abbey for a prayer weekend where there are lots of kids and we mothers often have problems baking cakes for their tea time bcos the kitchen is ill-equipped and there is only one gas stove and no working oven.

This recipe will probably solve the problem. :)

PatsySSKhoo said...

Thanks for sharing this recipe. I like it very very much. Will do it for my kids and during friends gathering.