Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mandarin Orange No-Baked Cheesecake - Day 20

This is the first time I am making a no-baked cheesecake. Never done that before and you know why? It is because I need a lot of space in my fridge to let them set. You know my fridge is packed up to the door so I don’t have the space for it. Now you know the reason why ha ha… anyway, because of Jellyriffic challenge I will make space for it. I wanted to make something with cheese. Since I can’t bake a cheesecake, I don’t have a choice but to make a no-baked one. Verdict? We still prefer the baked ones. This just doesn’t have the wow factor but it looks good though :)

Ingredients for the top part:

3 tbsp graham cracker crumbs
1 tsp melted butter

Cheese layer:

227 gram low fat cream cheese
1/2 tsp mandarin orange zest
4 tbsp sugar
1/4 cup mandarin orange juice
2 tsp gelatin powder
1/2 cup plain yogurt

Jelly layer:

1/2 packet orange jello
Some mandarin orange segments for garnish

1. Line and greased the Jelly Moulds. Combined the graham cracker crumbs and melted butter. Mix well. Press the crumbs mixture into the jelly moulds.
2. Mix the gelatin and orange juice and set it aside to bloom. In the meantime beat the cream cheese, sugar, mandarin orange zest until thick and smooth.
3. Warm the gelatin and orange juice mixture in the microwave for 20 – 25 seconds. Stir and mix well. Let it cool down before adding it into the cheese. Mix well and then fold in the yogurt.
4. Spoon the cheese mixture into the jelly mould to about 3/4 full. Chill the cheesecake for at least an hour.
5. Arrange the mandarin orange on top of the cheese. Prepare the orange jello according to the package instruction.
6. Pour it on top of the mandarin orange. Chill the cheesecake for at least 4 hours before serving.

Note: Don’t forget to leave a comment for a better chance to win an Olympus VG-110 camera. Giveaway is open worldwide. Entries close 30th October 2011


Awayofmind Bakery House said...

well done, Gert! Like the colour combination.

WendyinKK said...

You peeled the segments yourself?
How did you do it?
Teach me please

suituapui said...

Oooo...this is very nice! Very creative indeed.

Anonymous said...

sedapnyaaaaa.... dan cantik....

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

This looks smooth and creamy. Great!

Chloe said...

WHAT?! THIS IS AMAZING! The crust is not at the bottom, instead its on top! The colors are wonderful and I bet it taste just as delicious too. Truly a great creation! Keep on the great work!

Lite Home Bake said...

This not only looks good, I am pretty sure it tastes amazing too!

Kak Sam said...

Hi. you're very creative gert. everyday i come here to see what will happen with this snippet.

tinyskillet said...

Mmmm...I alwasys liked the Mandarin oranges best in jello! I love the combination here and so cute they look like candy corn!

K.Nor said...

tiap2 hari nor tengok gert makin hebat la menghasilkan pelbagai menu dgn menggunkan mould ni.. congrat gert! yg ni pun sangat cantik.. kalau dapat rasa laaaaaaaagi cantik kan.. hehe

ann low said...

Gert, you know I love cheesecake right? Must make this for sure :))

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I have been following your pewter "cone" adventure and I have to tell you that I am so intrigued each time with your creative ideas!!! It has been fun to follow the trail.... thanks.

Yummy Bakes said...

Wow another pretty and yummy cheesecake.

Linda said...

Another chef work again! Awesome! Thanks!

hanushi said...

Cheesecake in a cone, this is really so pretty... :)

Julie said...

it looks amazing!

lena said...

you're coming now with terrific ideas and i can see you're very comfortable with ot already. 10 more days to go, gert!! btw, dont worry abt the bake along, it's for fun and baking with friends, not really a serious event...when are you moving house?

ICook4Fun said...

Wendy, it came out of a can :)

Suituapui, thank you.

Bunny, thanks

Eileen, thank you.

Chloe, thank you for all your support :)

Lite home Bake, thank you.

Kak Sam, thank your for dropping by everyday. I really appreciate it.

Lyndsey, me too. I like them in my Asian salad too :)

K.Nor, thank you for coming by and comment kat sini everyday and giving me so much of encouragement :)

Ann, oh yea. I want to try out so many of your recipes once I get the time :)

ICook4Fun said...

Josephine, thank you. Hope you continue to stop by after the 'cone' adventure :)

Yummy Bakes, thank you.

Linda, 'pai seh' don't call me chef. I am far from that :)

Hanushi, thank you.

Julie, thank you.

Lena, it gets easier using it now. Yea I actually finish making everything as I won't be around next week until the challenge ends. I will try to participate as I am able to spare some time in November. We will move either end of December or early January. It all depend on Carlos work.

Anonymous said...

It looks very nice! cheesecake is my favourite, but with madarins? i dont know about that. but it looks very nice

Anonymous said...

I love cheesecake but me being me, would probably reverse the base and the topping, Simon

Shereen said...

Love the idea of pairing cheesecake with mandarin...but as you can see the 2 boys comments above, I would probably be outvoted!Very pretty and creative,Gert!

Anonymous said...

I love that it looks like candy corn!

Leep0ng said...

Citrus and cheesecake sound like a delicious combination,

maybe baking some yellow cake at the bottom instead of a crust at the bottom if I try this

My Little Space said...

Simply beautiful. The combination sounds pretty addictive as well. Yummmm....