Friday, June 03, 2011

Soft Donuts

In conjunction of National Donut Day who is celebrated on the 1st Friday of June each year, I made these super soft donuts for our afternoon tea.

National Donut Day is on the first Friday of June each year, succeeding the Donut Day event created by the Salvation Army in 1938 to honor the women who served donuts to soldiers during World War I. The holiday celebrates the donut — an edible, torus-shaped piece of dough which is deep-fried and sweetened. Many American donut stores offer free donuts on National Donut Day. (Wikipedia)

Adapted from Home Sweet Home

3 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
1 egg
3 tbsp margarine or butter
1 tsp vanilla essence
7 gram yeast + 2 tbsp slightly warm water
3/4 cup of milk

1. Dissolve yeast in the warm water and set it aside until it gets frothy. Combined flour, sugar, salt together and mix it well.
2. Add in egg, margarine, yeast mixture and vanilla. Turn on the mixer and slowly drizzle in the milk until dough comes together (if dough is too soft add in a few tbsp more flour) Continue to knead until you get nice smooth dough. Cover the bowl with a dry kitchen towel and let it rise for an hour or double its size at a warm place.
3. Punch down the dough and remove onto a floured work tabletop. Roll out the dough to about 1/4" thick and cut the dough out into rounds with a donuts cutter.

4. Let the dough rise again for about 30 minutes or until they feel light and spongy. Heat oil for deep-frying over medium heat. Slip a few donuts into the oil at a time, leaving enough room for them to expand. Make sure that the oil is not too hot otherwise the donuts will not be cooked inside.
5. When the donuts are golden brown, turn them over and cook the other side. It takes about 2–3 minutes to cook through. When donuts are done, remove from oil and drain the oil on paper towels before rolling them in sugar or glaze of your choice.


yummylittlecooks said...

Oh, I love doughnuts.So nice...and yummy too.

CaThY said...

Lovely doughnuts ;)

ijayuji said...

hi gert! waaaaa... ada national donut day yer kat sana? hihihi... i pun dah lama sgt tak buat donut, nxt week leh buat donut :D

hanushi said...

I didn't know there is such a meaningful day! :) And I am a donut lover! :)

Anonymous said...

So soft! Thanks for sharing e recipe.

Bits said...

Look so soft and fluffy! Great!

tinyskillet said...

I can't believe how on top of things you are and even have a post of your wonderful donuts on National Donut Day!!! They look great!!

The Sweetylicious said...

this look so lovely and delicious! (: i didnt know there's a donut day. is so awesome! (:

ann low said...

Me too...never heard of National Donut Day before! Anyway your donuts looks real yummy :)

Unknown said...

Yes please, glazed are my personal favorite.

My Kitchen and Me said...

Donut Day, really?? tat so cute :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Just got to know there is a National donut day in US.
Your donut look fluffy and good.

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Doughnuts look so fluffy and delicious ;)

Cuisine Paradise said...

Yum Yum!!!! Look so fluffy and soft!!!!

Shaz @ feedingmykidsbetter said...

Looks great!

Cheah said...

I don't mind having free donuts! Yours look so appealing!

Ummi said...

Hello my dearest Gert, how are you? Waaaaa, never know that we have Doughnut Day eh..hehehe..shame on me. Thanks sebab you sudi selongkar my dapur, I pun dah lupa the taste of this kind of doughnut..bole la I tumpang minum petang sini...
Have a great weekend Gert!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

I can never say no to a soft delicious doughnut! Love how you just did the traditional sugar coating. 

ReeseKitchen said...

I, too love the sugar coating ones....sooooo yummy!

Babe_KL said...

Your doughnuts so fluffy and plain with sugar is my fave :D

Shasha Mohamed said...

Ooo ada national doughnut day. Hari jumaat pertama bulan jun.
Agung birthday hari sabtu pertama bulan jun.
Dekat2 kan, senang ingat ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Gert!

Those donuts look really soft. Must try making them. Thanks for sharing.


ICook4Fun said...

Yummylittlecooks, yes it is :)

Cathy, thanks.

Ijayuji, they do have special day for everything here. Looking forward to your donut posting :)

Hanushi, ha ha now you know :)

Fong, you are welcome.

Bits of Taste, thanks.

Lyndsey, thanks.

Sweetylicious & Ann, thanks.

Jennifurla, I like the glazed one too. They kind of reminds me of Krispy Kreme donuts :)

My Kitchen and Me, yeap.

Sonia, they do have a day for everything here :)

ICook4Fun said...

Love2Cook, thanks.

Ellena, yes it is very soft :)

Shaz, thanks

Cheah, yes they do give out free donuts today at some places.

Ummi, lama tak jumpa. I am well. Thanks for asking. I selongkar kat dapur you hari hari except sometime I didn't leave comment saja. You are so welcome to join me for me :)

Bee Bee, me either :)

Reese, :)

Babe_kl, thanks.

ShashaCatering, since they celebrate Agung Birthday on Sat so tak dapat a day off lah?

Yen, you are welcome. Hope you try this out and let me know the outcome :)

lena said...

perfect looking donuts!!

My Little Space said...

Happy donut Day! Wish that I can join in the fun too but was too busy. I was in KL.
regards, Kristy

Zoe said...

These doughnuts look so irresistible with the glaze! Yum!

Lyna said...

I tried it, and it turned out so soft. Thank you for posting the recipe :)

cheryll said...

Hi Gert,
I like your blog and I am a Malaysian like you residing abroad. Thanks for sharing your recipes with us. Do you publish any cookbook? I like collecting cookbooks.

ICook4Fun said...

Cheryll, thank you. Where are you at? Sorry, I don't have a cookbook :)