Thursday, June 23, 2011

Banana Bread with Nutella Swirled

Yeah I know. Not banana bread posting from me again. I can’t help it as the bananas on my counter get super soft in record time during summer. I can’t bring myself to throw it away so it will always end up in my baking. As usual I used my most trusted recipe of banana bread and this time I added some Nutella swirl to it. Banana bread + Nutella= YUMMY!!


1 1/2 cup of flour
1 tsp of baking soda
1/2 tsp of baking powder
1/4 tsp of salt
3/4 cup light brown sugar
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2 large eggs
3 ripe bananas - mashed
1 tsp of vanilla
zest of 1 lemon
2 tbsp of milk
1/4 cup nutella

1. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degree F and lightly oil a loaf pan. In a mixing bowl, combined flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda.
2. In another bowl mix oil, eggs, sugar, bananas, milk, vanilla and lemon zest. Mix until well combined.
3. Fold the flour mixture into the banana mixture and mix until well combined. Take out ½ cup of the batter and mix in the nutella. Mix well.
4. Pour half of the banana batter into the loaf pan, follows by the nutella mixture. Pour in the rest of the banana batter on top. With a skewer or a chopstick give the batter a few swirls.
5. Bake the bread for 50 – 55 minutes or when tested with skewer in the center it comes out clean.
6. Remove from oven and let it cool for 10 minutes before removing it from pan.

Note: I added some batter to the nutella as this way the nuttela will not sink to the bottom of the bread when bakes.


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

the swirl look like a smiling face, so cute. I bet your bread must be very aroma with nutella and banana..

Cuisine Paradise said...

Look delicious!!! Can i have 2 slices for tea :) I always admire those who can bake bread.....

My Little Space said...

I was just about to say your bread looks fantastic .... and with a smiling face too. How lovely is that! Hope you're enjoying your day too.

Anonymous said...

Fully agreed... Nutella + Banana = Yummy!

Shereen said...

You add 2 eyes and you'll have a perfect looking banana bread..hahaha.But seriously your that banana bread look so cantik...especially when the colour is dark like that (anything pale look so tak masak),I likey...but tak boleh buat now as pisang is still in the shops:)

Zoe said...

I can the Nutella smiles too! Every slice of these delicious bread is so cute!

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

This smiley face nutella banana bread looks so good! I would love a slice with my bread. What a good idea to add the nutella. It must be delicious!

WendyinKK said...

Banana and nutella, that sure sounds good.

Yummy Bakes said...

Gert, thanks for sharing. Now I know why my nutella sank to the bottom of the cake. Lovely cake.

shaz said...

Looks great! My boys favourite flavours - banana & nutella. Thanks for sharing, especially your tip about mixing batter with nutella first. 

hanushi said...

Certainly soft and moist looking, I want seconds...

Amelia said...

Nutella with banana, another great combination. yum yum

Debbie said...

I just made my usual banana bread yesterday and wish I had seen this first. Looks delicious! I will give this a try next time I make banana bread (which is often!).

iceamericanos said...

Hi. Can u please let me know how many grams is 3 large bananas?


WanYgBest said...

it looks so delicious... can i used melted cooking choc instead? i have all the ingredients in my cupboard except nutella =(

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

The swirls turned out so pretty, Gert! Bet they taste as good too.

ann low said...

Gert, you can name this as smiley nutella banana bread. Looks pretty and delicious too!

Unknown said...

Wonderful! every time I purchase nutella my boys eat it by the spoonfuls. I would love to try out this recipe. Thanks for sharing

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks great, love the smiley face swirl. I made banana buns, next time should add some nutella on it.

A Taste of Memories-- Echo's Kitchen said...

Superb! I too just baked two trays of Banana cakes!

Elin said...

Haha yea..a smilie banana bread. Just like what they say add two dots and you have a nice smilie bread :) yea nutella and banana bread =yummy. Gert, have a great time to have fun outside :) and bread making since the weather is hot.

ICook4Fun said...

Sonia, ha ha big smile face. Yes the nutella gives the bread a very nice flavor.

Ellena, of course you can. As many slices as you want :)

Kristy, thank you.

Fong, :)

Shereen, my oven always give my baking a very dark color. Sometimes I find them too dark. I heard that pisang is very expensive now kat Australia and NZ. Betuk ke?

Zoe, thank you.

Biren and Wendy, it is :)

Yummy Bakes, you are welcome.

Shaz, do try that out the next time you bake with nutella :)

ICook4Fun said...

Hanushi, it taste even better if you let it sit for a day :)

Amelia, yum yum indeed :)

Debbis, me too :)

Iceamericanos, it is about 1 1/2 cups of mashed bananas.

Wanygbest, of course you can. Just make sure you add a little batter to the melted chocolate to lighten the chocolate up.

Shirley, thank you.

Ann, I should :)

Steph, my hubby like to do that too. My nutella will just disappear without me knowing it :)

LCOM, thank you.

Echo, looking forward to your posting.

Elin, it is great for making bread but man, the kitchen gets very hot too :)

Cheah said...

Great tip you gave re the nutella + batter. This is perfect for tea!