Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Scallion Pancakes

I will buy these frozen pancakes once a while from the Asian store but now everything seems to be getting a bit expensive. They are charging nearly $3.00 for a packet of 5 pieces. So I thought it would be fun to try to make some myself as it’s far cheaper than buying the frozen ones.

Ingredients :
2 cups of flour
1 tsp of salt
1 tbsp of oil
3/4 cup of boiling water (more or less)
4 tbsp of vegetable oil or sesame oil
1 cup of finely sliced scallion

1. Mix the flour and salt together and then add the 1 tbsp of oil and the boiling water to the flour. Mix thoroughly to form a dough then knead for 5 minutes.
2. Form it into ball, cover and let rest in the mixing bowl for 20 minutes.
3. Form into a log and cut into 12 - 16 pieces then roll each piece into a round disk.

4. Brush with oil or sesame oil and sprinkle with scallions. Roll into a cylinder and then coil it into a snail shape. Cover and let rest for 20 minutes.

5. Flatten the dough with your hand and then roll it out again.

6. Heat up non-stick frying pan over medium heat and brush it with some oil. Pan fried both side until golden brown.
7. Cut into wedges and serve with any dipping sauce of your choice.


Cat Cat said...

Looks like roti canai... It would serve as a good finger food, eh..??

Anonymous said...

Hi Gertrude,

How did you they turn out? Were they similar to the ones you bought from the store or had at the Taiwanese restaurants?

Have to try!

- Jen

hungryandfrozen said...

These look so good :) I love these - they're so worth the effort of rolling and re-rolling.

pearly said...

Gert dear :
never had this be4 , but it does look yummy .

must try on xxxxxxxx
thank for sharing
ya la now a day everything so expensive , can't just buy all the time , me doing the same cook everything if I can to save the ££

Anonymous said...

Those look so tasty!

Anonymous said...

This looks delightful. It's such a popular dish, it's nice to know how to make it for yourself!

Yatie_T said...

never try this dish before and it does looks like roti canai. How long does it take you to prepare and make this dish? Hehehe... just checking, with Josh practically hanging on my hip.... it's very hard to cook unless I wait until he's sleeping.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks great, the skin looks crispy! I always wanted to make this from scratch but always being put off. :P

SteamyKitchen said...

love these pancakes! just made a batch last week to test the recipe for the cookbook

Anonymous said...

that looks delicious! your recipe is very clear too. Im going to make it this weekend.

Zue Murphy said...

Gert,good thinking on saving some $. At first I thought you make roti canai. It looks good to snack during this summer time. Thanks for sharing.

Salt N Turmeric said...

I pun ingat roti canai. Sounds so easy & simple! im so happy. lol.

Will the dough rise after the 20min? do u have to roll it thinly when u add the scallion?

ICook4Fun said...

Cat, is pretty similar to roti canai. Can eat it just like that or dip it in curry.

Jen, it was good and not as thick as the store bought one.

Laura, they were good and its worth all the work :)

Pearly, everything is so expensive now so its better to do more cooking at home :)

Kristen, it is :) :)

Fearless, actually is not too difficult to make this.

Yatie, it took me about an hour to make this. You can make all this a day or two ahead and only pan fried it on the party day.

LCOM, I am sure you two girls will like this.

Jaden, you too love this pancakes :)

Anon, happy cooking :)

Zue, I am sure you're going to like this.

Farina, no the dough won't rise. Resting it for 20 min is to relax the dough for easy rolling. As you can see in the pix I roll it pretty thin so that it will be light and crispy when you pan fried it.

Anonymous said...

I really love your blog & your bakes as they are so original and homely. Thanks for sharing.

If you are ever back to KL, i would love to meet you to say "hi" and if you stay long enough, I might even pursuade you to teach me a thing or two - hee hee.

ICook4Fun said...

Joanna, so nice of you :) I will be going home in January for CNY and it would be nice to meet up with you :)

eatingclubvancouver_js said...

In my ever-growing list of food weaknesses, scallion pancakes are tops.

Thanks for sharing this recipe. I'm bookmarking these to make soon.

Anonymous said...

Gert, i agree with cat, it looks like roti canai. I love anything savoury.

Gert, you coming back for CNY next year? I would like to meet you too.

- Kath

Beachlover said...

Oh!!it's look so good and well done too! so long I didn't eat scallion pancake(chong yauh peng)..I like mine dip into spicy soy vineger sauce!..

Anonymous said...

Oh great! Hope to see you in KL during CNY. KL is a fantastic place during CNY cos there is no traffic and so much less people in the city! Hurray!!!!

Unknown said...

wawww i always love this...it'd be great for afternoon tea time! yumm

Big Boys Oven said...

walio, i love this, so authentic, so chinese lol . . . anything like me?

ICook4Fun said...

Eatingclub, thanks for stopping by and hope you like this recipe.

Kath, we should meet up when I go home :)

Joanna, we will get in touch soon :)

Rita, for me this is good anytime :) :)

BBO, yes like you 100% chinese :)

flutter said...

Those look SO good!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gert,
Your scallion pancakes look sooo good!!
Do you think i can use the same dough to make red bean pancake?? My husband loves red bean pancake.

Btw, Happy 4th of July! :)

Fitness Foodie said...

What a nice new dish to make for an appetizer, they look really good.

ICook4Fun said...

Flutter, thank you.

Shirley, I am not sure if you can use the same dough for red bean pancake but you can always try. If you can wait I have a recipe of that to post here soon.

Parker, this dish makes a good appetizer :)

Anonymous said...

Tried it and boy, a major success! Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gert. I shall wait till you try/post that red bean pancake recipe of yours. Am still looking for frozen cassava here. :)

Dav DiDi said...

Look very yummy .. make me feel hungry

Anonymous said...

i tried your pancakes and it was great!!! thanks for sharing...

daphne said...

I jumped over frm My little corner. Going to try this out for bible study group! I hv been looking for more asian snacks and that looks perfect.

Anonymous said...

its called a "Parantha" in India. Search online for more recipes. Cottage cheese (paneer), Gobi (Cauliflower), Mooli (White Radish) or Potatoes are the best ingredients.

Anonymous said...

I was browsing around at your recipes on your blog. They are very mouthwatering. I prefer sweets. Under "Cookies for Christmas" I cannot find the recipe of LEMON SLICES. Is it because it's not Christmas time? I would like like to try this recipe as I am expecting my son for super since his birthday is on Friday, August 8th, 2008. Hope to her from you. Suzanne

ICook4Fun said...

Chris, glad you pancake turn out well.

Shirley, will post the shanghai pancake soon :)

Dav, thank you.

Mikky, glad you like it.

Daphne, thanks for stopping by.

Sameer, thanks for the information.

Suzanne, I do have a recipe of lemon bars here. Just look under dessert. Here is the link :

Anonymous said...

Nice and simple. I've got to give this recipe a try for sure.

A Scientist in the Kitchen said...

I'd like to try this one.

Anonymous said...

I managed to make some today. I posted it over at my site. Thank you so much for sharing. They are very easy and taste great!

ICook4Fun said...

Andie, thanks you for the link. Glad you like the pancake :)

Anonymous said...

This looks really easy to make! Thanks for the recipe, this will go in my to-try list! I have a question. The last time I had scallions pancakes, it was at a Chinese restuarant and they had served a really good lamb dish that they said to use the pancakes as a wrapper. Are there any other meat dishes that scallion pancakes can be eatten like this? Do you know of maybe a pork or beef recipe? Thank you!

MsJess said...

This recipe was so freaking good. I ended up halving it but I regret that since my husband and I gobbled down 3/4 of it and then ate the last bit today for breakfast. Yummy!

choccycake said...

We call those parathas, I like the way you roll them though, very good idea!

Eric said...

The Koreans call this pajon. It particularly good with a dipping sauce of soy sauce and rice vinegar.

Unknown said...

this is a great recipe! thanks for sharing. i've always wondered how these are made. and it's just the right consistency and texture that i like. i will do this often and serve to my friends who come over =) great party snack!