Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Rainbow Pudding

I’ve been under the weather for the past one week. With all the medicines and nasal spray my taste bud and sense of smell went haywire. I can’t taste or smell anything at all. I have no appetite and all I want is something cold and sweet. I decided to make this pudding. I love the vibrant marbling effect of this pudding. Aren’t they beautiful?


13 gram agar agar powder
800ml water
170 gram sugar
3 pandan leaves
300 ml milk
3 eggs
1 tbsp custard powder

1. Bring the water, pandan leaves and agar agar to boil. Turn down the heat and let it simmer for 3 minutes and remove it from heat and let it cool down a bit. Remove the pandan leaves.
2. Beat eggs with a whisk; add in the milk and custard powder. Mix well. Pour the mixture through a sieve into the agar agar mixture. Stir well.
3. Add in the sugar, put the pot back to the stove and bring it up to a slow boil again. Remove from heat.
4. Divide the mixture into 3 equal portions. Color one with pink, yellow and green or any color of your choice. Place your tray or mould for the pudding slightly slanting in an angle (you can use a book – refer to pix).

5. Pour about 5 tbsp of pink into the tray, follow by yellow and green or whichever you prefer. Repeat till all the mixture is used up.
6. Set the tray flat on the surface and let it set in the fridge before cutting into it. Serve cold.


Jeannie said...

Very beautiful! Even feeling under the weather you can still cook huh! Good for you!I'd want to be lying in bed resting! Hope you get better soon!

busygran said...

Such vibrant colours will definitely perk you up! I'm already feeling cheerful just looking at your work!

ann low said...

WOW! Love this vibrant color, very beautiful!
Have a good rest, Gert :))

Yat Maria said...

Beautiful indeed, Gert!..love them :)

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Such a pretty and cheerful pudding Gert! Seeing this already made my day, heehee! Thanks for sharing this!

K.Nor said...

gert, mintak izin copy & save resipi ni ya.. thanks :)

The Sweetylicious said...

yes, is so lovely and colourful (: look so much like a wonderful art piece and cant bear to eat it!

Ju (The Little Teochew) said...

Hi Gert, sorry to hear you are unwell. The rainbow pudding is just the thing to brighten up anyone's day. Hope you're better now.

DG said...

Love the rainbow colours of your pudding! They're beautiful!

j3ss kitch3n said...

Gert the colors are so vibrant and beautiful! love them to bits!

Angie Tee said...

Hey Gert, hope you're much better now. Those puddings are so colorful!

Unknown said...

Super idea for a party, they are perfect to look at.

Conna said...

Hey ... they look so tempting !!!!!

Well done !!

Vicki Wilde said...

Such a cool effect from such a simple technique! Looks fabulous!

Jess said...

Oh my goodness, these are soo cute!
Love them!
Jess : )

mycookinghut said...

Hope you will feeling better soon! Keep warm.. the colourful pudding definitely makes me feel longing for warm weather!

PlumLeaf 李葉 said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather - its good that you can still make goodies and snacks to lift your spirits!
Hope you get better soon!

hana said...

alahai cumil2 n sweettt! tiba2 terasa nk memuding! saya amik resepi Gert! tQ....

CaThY said...

This is so pretty. I love the vibrant colours :)

ReeseKitchen said...

Beautiful colours!! This sure cheer up everyone! You take care ya..:) Thanks for sharing!

Bren said...

I'm craving for this pudding right away..! It looks so appetizing :) Get well soon Gert.

Lisa Ho said...

Get well soon..

Love the vibrant colours... Nice, I like :D

WendyinKK said...

So pretty, I hope you're getting better. My kids got sick last week, and then me, and now it's my hubby.

Joyce @ Chunky Cooky said...

the colours are so pretty and matching ! Hope you get well soon too !

Ummi said...

Hi Gert, woowww it's really beautiful...i like this so much!! nice shape!!

Elin Chia said...

Gertrude...hope you are fine now with these beautiful rainbow pudding to cheer you up. There are so beautiful alright and well done ! Despite under the weather , you can still make such a beautiful rainbow pudding :) Take care and keep warm.

Jenn@ChasingFoodDreams said...

Hope you feel better Gert.

Those rainbows sure are too pretty to be eaten!

Btw, do you have to wait for each color to set before putting the next 5 tbsp of next color in?

Lissy said...

This looks like Care Bears jelly :) weeeee

Shereen said...

So pretty!Something to cheer up sickies like us..*grins*

MaryMoh said...

Wow...that's really beautiful like rainbow. Hope you have fully recovered. Please take care.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Hope you have getting better now. This look colourful and good.

ICook4Fun said...

Thank you ladies for all your well wishes. I am feeling much better now.

Jeannie, thank you. I need to make something to perk me up :)

Busygran, ha ha thanks.

Ann, thank you.

Yat Maria, thank you.

Bee bee, you are welcome.

K.Nor, hope you like this pudding. Looking forward to your posting.

Sweetylicious, thank you.

Ju, thanks you. It sure brighten up my days :)

ICook4Fun said...

DG, Jess, thank you.

Angie, thank you and I am much better now. The coughing still lingers around a bit :(

Jennifurla & Conna, thank you.

Wilde in the Kitchen, yes this is not too difficult to make.

Jess, thanks.

Leemei, thank you and I am better now.

PlumLeaf, yea I need to do something to make me feel better. Can't be sleeping the whole day :)

Haha, thank you and sure you can have the recipe :)

Reese, I does cheer me up just looking at it :)

ICook4Fun said...

Bren & Lisa, thank you.

Wendy, thank you. Yea when I got sick everyone else will follows :(

Joyce, thank you.

Ummi, thank you.

Elin, ha ha..that is me. When come to cooking and baking nothing can stop me :)

Jenn, thank you. You don't have to let it set before the next layer.

Lissy, is it?

Shereen, hope you are feeling better now. Take care yea :)

Mary Moh, thanks you.

Sonia, thank you.

Amelia said...

so cute and beautiful colour

Cooking Gallery said...

The rainbow pudding are simply BEAUTIFUL...!!!

Angie's Recipes said...

Those are so colourful and pretty!

pigpigscorner said...

So pretty! Take care and get well soon!

My Little Space said...

Oh hope you're feeling much better now! Anyway, I think these little treats will fix you right up! :o) Take care.
Best regards, Kristy

Anonymous said...

Pretty. Take care.

christellar said...

These are very cute; they remind me of those heartshaped erasers I used to have when I was a kid!

chantallee said...

Thanks for sharing this pudding recipe...it looks absolutely gorgeous & yummy...

Kanwal said...

Can I make this without pandan leaves... Do we get pandan leaves out here in India ? Can I make it without those leaves ?