I had the privilege of meeting up with fellow bloggers for the first time except Elin at Mid Valley a few days ago. It was a glorious few hours getting to know these lovely ladies. We had a great time chatting, sharing blogging, photography and baking tips and getting to know one another. The extraordinary thing was how easily we all click...........no pretense, no awkwardness; no fumbling for something to say.........it was relaxed and genuine and the time went by way too fast! Thank you Elin, Joanna, Reese, Quinn, Tracie, Swee San, Sonia, Pei Lin, Bee Bee and Petite Nyonya, for a lovely time, the flower and the gifts. It was such a pleasure to finally meet you all. We have to do this again the next time.
From L to R : Lovely Petite Nonya, Reese, Bee Bee and Sonia.

From L to R : Lovely Joanna (Elin's daughter) Tracie and Quinn

The 11 bloggers are :-
Quinn of
Quinn's Baking Dairy Elin of
Elinluv's Tibits Corner Joslynn of
Petite Nyonya Reese of
Reese Kitchen Bee Bee of
HoneyBeeSweet Swee San of
The Sweet Spot Tracie of
Bitter Sweet Flavours Pei Lin of
Dodol Mochi Sonia of
Nasi Lemak Lover Joanna
Elin's Daughter
It is also a great pleasure to finally meet you in person Gertrude! ;) I did not get a chance to say this to you that afternoon, but your blog was one of the wonderful blogs that inspired me to create one for myself! Thanks so much and would love to meet up with you and the other ladies again soon. Take care!
Looks like you all ladies were having fun.
wow!! look like you have fun meeting all the lovely blogger...well looking forward for more of your blogger meeting soon..
wow.. you ladies met up at Madam Kwans ? I'm sure you all had fun.
Thanks Gertrude for your lovely and pleasant company :). I truly agree we all clique naturally, no pretense at all. I sure hope there'll be another gathering next year and we'll meet up again. You know something, somehow your Seremban char siew pau (which u made last year) always stuck in my mind because I was so impressed when I saw it, but unfortunately I'm not that adventurous or talented with paus to try it out yet. Would love to one day. Ok, have a great day ahead..cheers!
lovely lovely...saw this on sonia's post..glad you all had a great time!!! its ammazing how we naturally click isnt it? LOL
Hi Gertrude,
Nice meeting you too. I've learn alot after reading all of the ladies's blog including yours. Really inspired me..:) Thank you so much and really look forward to next meeting!
hai...i want to take your recipes..meatballs (ikeas) can or not?
Look forward for our next meet up. Take care.
Hi Gertrude, nice to meet u the other day and looking forward for the next meeting !
What a meeting! Nice.
What lucky ladies! That must be so much fun. I wish I was there!
I'm probably the last one to go around commenting..:P so sorry. It was really really nice meeting up with you again, and the others too of course. Do take care, continue cooking, baking and blogging! See you next year :)
This is really nice how bloggers came together. I also live in PA and I also have a welsh corgi. Mine is still young only 7 months old. Continue to share great recipes with us.
So much fun. Wished I could join!
Bee bee, the pleasure is all mine and thanks for you kind words. Hope to meet up with you again next year.
Zue, yes we did.
Lesley, yes it was fun meeting up with all the lovely ladies.
Coffeencookies, yes we did :)
Petite Nyonya, it was nice meeting you finally and hope we get to do this again.
Zurin, wish you were there with us but hopefully we can do this again next year.
Reese, nice meeting you too and see you next year.
Kak Ina, yes you can but just link it back to me.
Sonia, hope we can meet up again soon.
Swee San, too bad we didn't get to talk much that day. Hope we can all do this again.
LCOM, yes it is.
MaryMoh, maybe you can join us the next time.
Joanna, it is ok and it was nice seeing you again.
Ch3rri, yes it is :)
Ellie, yes wish you can join us. Maybe next time. Really like to see you :)
Hey, Gertrude! Glad that I sat beside you! I got to talk to you a lot that afternoon! LOL! Thanks for sharing your stories, they really cracked me up especially with regard to cultural differences we see in the U.S.
I do hope we can have something like this again! I feel so bad that I went there empty-handed! Next time I'm so gonna fix some food and bring it over!
Thank you for the red packet! Have a safe trip home! Send my regards to Carlos and Diane.
Thank you very much for meeting up with me. It was you and all other bloggers that turned up that made the event a successful one so thank you to you too!
And thanks for the Angpao and lots of wonderful stories too!
Till I see you again!
How nice you all get to meet up. Even better that you all got along so well! Too bad we weren't in KL...woulda been fun.
Pe-lin and Quinn, it was nice meeting the both of you and the rest. Hope we can do this again soon :)
Nate and Annie, hope we can meet up next year :)
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