3 pcs of frozen paratha (I used Kawan brand)
3 eggs
½ onion – slice thinly
1 spring onion – cut small
Salt and pepper to taste
2. In a non stick pan over medium heat cook the parathas (without oil) until lightly brown on both sides. Remove and set it aside.
3. In the same pan, heat up a bit of olive oil. Pour 1/3 of the eggs mixture into the pan, let it cook for 10 second then place the cooked paratha on top of the omelet.
4. Let the egg set before turning it over to cook through.
5. Remove and roll up the paratha like a Swiss roll. Do the same to the other two parathas.
6. Cut the paratha about 3/4 “thick and you can serve it with some curry.
The way you serve the roti telur is really appetizing! Daripada tak nak makan, can finish the whole plate!
wow! would I love to try this. I doubt I can find the paratha. :-(
The most stylish paratha I have ever seen!
Never had paratha before...would really love to try them!
Paratha rolls and curry chicken are great pairing. Your paratha rolls make me craving for one now. Need to get my fix when I'm back in KL this week. ;)
WOW! You're really good in anything ;D I love this!
My must order item from the menu whenever I went to Malaysian restaurant. One order is never enough for us. How do you make the curry sauce? The sauce is what really makes the difference. I really want to learn to make it for my family as we are so crazy about roti paratha.
Very very pretty!! Makes me drool... just realised that never had this for a long long time!
What a great idea! My favourite is roti bom.
whata brilliant idea!!!! so chic!
btw I got the fish moulds from Chang Tung bakery supply store in ss23 PJ. If youre coming back u can head right over htere! lovely moulds and such a treasure :)
aiyoh, you are so creative. we are so used to roti telur here that we just sapu it as it is.
they look so cute rolled up like maki. very creative!
Your prata roll looks really delicious and very presentable! Five star!!!
Happy New Year! & Welcome Home
Thanks for the tips and tricks in the kitchen.
I love the way you prepare the Paratha, neat and tidy.
I love roti telur, too, besides roti kosong & Planta! Hmm ... Now, you've really made me craving for some ... Btw, adding scallion to the roll reminds me of the Chinese scallion pancake. Another creative work from you!
This roti makes me salivating! Yummy.
Wow, what an innovation. We have so many types of roti here. The list goes on and on!
Lovely presentation! Love prata with curry.
Paratha and eggs work well together. This one is very presentable. Good idea.
MamaFami, ha ha thank you.
Dawn, you can find paratha at the Asian and Indian grocery stores.
Ju, thank you :)
Angie, yes do try it out if you have a chance and I am sure you will like it.
Food for tots, how long will you be in KL?
Anncoo, thank you. There are still many things that I can't do :)
FC88, I normally don't order from the restaurant in the US because they are too expensive. I will post the chicken curry recipe up soon.
Leemei, thank you.
Pigpigscorner, yes roti bom is good too :)
Zurin, I will check out Chang Tung if I have a chance. Thanks for the info dear.
Family First, ha ha if I am in Malaysia I also will do the same :)
Noobcook, Kitchen Corner, Dr Hasanah, Little Inbox, thank you!!
Pei-Lin, yes the green onions added some nice color to it.
Sonia, :)
Cheah, yea :)
LCOM, thank you.
Zue, thank you.
This is such a great blog. Was looking for dishes to steam and have found a dozen things of all kinds to cook in the last few minutes.
I shall return!
I didn't know they sold it frozen!! I love roti canai but it looks way too hard to make. This looks amazing!
Goodness, I am so hungry now...
I love the whole look of the dish, it makes me hungry :) I hope I can duplicate this at home, do you have a recipe for your curry sauce, it looks really delicious
Hi Gert, thankyou so much for the easy and beutiful recipe, may i share this recipe at my blog, thanks once again...from ros @, from Osaka Japan
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