Ingredients for the bottom layer:
400 grm of glutinous rice - wash and soak for at least 4 hours or overnight
230 ml of coconut milk
2 pandan/screwpine leaves
1 tsp of salt
Ingredients for the top layers:
4 large eggs
6 tbsp rice flour
5 tbsp custard powder/cornstarch
500 ml of coconut milk
200 grms of sugar
1 tsp of salt
Few drop of red and yellow coloring
Few drop of pandan paste
2. Discard pandan leaves. Fluff up the rice, and then press rice firmly down with a banana leaf or aluminum foil until it is compact. Return it to the steamer.
3. For the topping, stir eggs and sugar until well combined. Add the coconut milk and the rest of the ingredients. Strain the batter to remove any lumps.
4. Divide the batter into 3 equal portions. One portion adds a few drop of red coloring, another one with yellow and the last one with green or pandan paste.
5. Scratch the surface of the steam rice lightly with a fork. Pour in the first (red) layer of the batter on top of the rice. Steam over a low heat for 5-7 minutes or until set.
6. Before pouring the second (yellow) layer scratch the surface lightly with a fork. Steam until set and followed by the last (green) layer. Steam for another 7 minutes.
7. Set it aside to cool completely before cutting into serving pieces.
Note: Do not steam over rapidly boiling water otherwise the custard layer will not be smooth)
gorgeous and really beautiful. the colous are so sweet! I bet they taste so good as well!!
WOW! I love the beautiful colours, so nice to eat.
Hi Gert,
The colours look tempting!! When will i give it a try..hehe..I'm happy you're coming back to M'sia for this CNY..hopefully everything goes well and we can meet up during your holiday...FYI, I'm planning to attend to Kak Hanieliza son's wedding which will be held on 13th. February in KL and at the same time fetch my daughter Najwa about to arriving from Kangar for her Semester Break as well as CNY holiday. Btw, can you email me your hp no. once again..I couldn't retrieve it due to problems on my hp back then..
You keep well and have a pleasant weekend! Hope to seeing you during your holiday in M'sia... ^_^
Oh, looks so colorful!! Pretty kuih! Hahaha ...! When I think of serimuka, it'd be just white & green colors!! Never thought of rainbow serimuka!! OK, I'm so gonna learn some cooking/baking skills from ya when we meet up!
Love this but too lazy to make. :P Wish we live in the same neighborhood, then I can sample your food and you can eat mine.
Nampak sedap ni, Gert!
I really admire your talent in making kuih. I have never made any.. but seri muka is one of my favs!
That would be a great cool summer dessert!
These look awesome, I love the colors!
The colours are so pretty! Have fun!
Fantastic! They look so pretty and really well made. I tried making this before, and it was THE failed baking project that led to me making Pandan Roasted Chicken!!!
Wow, pretty!!
wo, this look so beautiful, brilliant idea to have it in multi colour. Next time I want to try this way.
I steam over low heat also my serimuka didn't come out smooth like yours. Any other hint?
This is so nice. Looks like a lot of work. I must admit that I never make stuff like this. My fiance would never allow me enough time and space to accomplish something so nice! Beautiful-really... Cam
Zurin, thank you.
Anncoo, thank you.
Ummi, I hope I am able to meet up with you this time. I will email you my cellphone number.
Pei-Lin, you can cook and bake very well. I don't think you need to learn from me :)
LCOM, yea too bad we live so far away from each other if not we can share all our food :)
Leemei, certain kuih is not the difficult to make. You should try out the simple one first and once you get the hand of it then you go the more difficult ones.
Angie, yea.
Meeso, thank you.
Pigpigcorner, thank you.
Ju, it ok. Try to make it again but nevertheless your Pandan Roasted Chicken turn out beautifully.
Rate This Recipe, thank you.
Sonia, thank you.
Quinn, the other way you can do is pre-cook (double boil) the top layer first until it is slightly thickens and then only steam it.
Cam, thank you. Tell your fiance that he needs to give you more time in the kitchen to creates beautiful and yummy food :)
this kuih is really colorful..I still didn't try to make seri muka yet..but bought almost 8 tubea of the cake flour!! hahaha! malas now!
Gosh, those colours are so attractive!
Gert, delicious! Wish I have some kuih here! Are you going back to Msia for CNY?
Lesley, yea you've been very quiet nowadays :)
Cheah, thank you.
Valkuan, yea I will be home for CNY,
Hey cool! We're going to go over to West Malaysia before, during and after CNY as well!
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