Ingredients :
1 small packet of fresh flat noodles (kueh tiow/hor fun)
1 piece of chicken breast - slice thinly and marinate with some cornstarch and soy sauce
10 medium size shrimp
1 bunch of greens - any kind (I used mustard green/sawi)
2 cloves of garlic
3 cups of chicken stock or water
2 tbsp of oyster sauce
2 tbsp of soy sauce
1 egg - lightly beaten
Salt & pepper to taste
corn starch solution - for thickening the gravy
2) Put some oil to the frying pan and add in the garlic and stir-fry until lightly brown. Add in the marinate chicken. Stir fry of a minute and add in the water or chicken stock. Add in oyster sauce, soy sauce. Bring it to boil.
3) Add in greens and shrimps. Continue to cook for 2 minutes and check seasoning. Add in cornstarch solution to the thickness you want. Bring it to boil.
4) Turn off the heat and stir in beaten egg. Gently stir to cook the egg.
5) Dish the gravy over the fried noodle and serve warm with pickle green chillies.
Note : The flat noodles will become really hard once you put in the fridge or freezer. To soften it up again just cut it and cover it with microwave safe bowl and microwave for 2 minutes and will be soft again.
Gert..u buat air liur ummi meleleh lah.. ummi suka makan ni tau..ummi selalu makan kat Cozy ampang park. Kalau teringin sangat ummi ngan ofis mate berdua gi mkn lepas ofis lepas tu yak yak kat dalam tu he he he..
Hi Ummi, baru pukul 5.00 pagi kat M'sia you dah bangun check blog :) Kenapa tak tidur?? I pun suka sangat mee ni. Boleh makan hari hari :) Nanti I balik KL kita pergi makan sama sama yea :)
Gert, bagus you letak this resipi. I can try. I have thawed the kue teow yang kita tak jadi masak tu. Sawi pun ada lebih. Perfect. I suka this dish.
alamak sedapnya Gert. the last time i beli kuey tiow noodle, sampai masuk tong sampah sbb lama tak guna. :( this time im gonna use ur recipe.
Gert, dah siap pun I masak. Sedap betul resipi you ni. Tapi I guna left over roasted chicken I tu. Farina, jemput makan ya.
Gert ... Yes! The noodles from Tai Wah is the best I ever tasted. The aroma from opening up the wrapping is just heavenly. Was it you who told me the aroma is from cooking with a huge fire and special wok??
Anyway, I cooked this dish the other day as per your instructions. It did not look as nice as yours but was really YUMMY! David loved it too!
Eh! Gert pun I ajak makan sekali...:-)
Gert, your yummy Wat Tan Hor has worsen my 'homesick'. Woo......
I got to go to the Oriental store and get a pack of Hor Fun and try to cook WTH... I love WTH and Fok Kien Mien... YUM!
I got to go to the Oriental store and get a pack of Hor Fun and try to cook WTH... I love WTH and Fok Kien Mien... YUM!
This is my hubby's favorite!! Yours look so delicious! In fact, this past Sat. he tried to order wat tan hor at a Chinese restaurant. But they told him they only have wet seafood hor fun, then my hubby said just break an egg in and she said ok. You know what came out? A seafood hor fun with a fried runny egg on top. LOL!
Gert,your WTH look good like the one I just eat at Cafe in Kepong.I think cooking WTH that we need the 'wok hei'..the flavour and fire from wok is the most important skill..aiyoo...the moment I reach KL,I eat every noodle I see sampai sakit:(
Yum, I love to cook this too. Haven't done it in a long while. Thanks for the reminder.
My dad used to bring me makan in Tai Wah when I was a kids. I remember they have another dish looks like birds nest and makes from yam. What is that called ah? Other restaurant dont have this dish leh. Wah I miss it so much.
Zue, cepatnya you dah masak :)
Farina, you can freeze the kuey tiow and when you nak guna just warm it up in the microwave for 2 min.
Rita, Tai wah was the best hor..and also their pork chop :)yeah, everything taste better when is cook in big wok with huge wooden fire.
Choy, don't have to be homesick. Just cook some for yourself and family :)
Cat, you pun suka WTH. Ada kaki lah and kita can makan sama sama :)
Ching, thank you. I don't think that restaurant know how to cook the proper WTH. I bet you cook better than them :)
Lesley, I know. The first thing I want to eat when I touch down is Hokkien mee :) :)
Singairishgirl, you are most welcome :)
Sue, you also like to eat at Tai wah :) I remember that dish. I really like the fried yam basket but I don't know the name leh. I am sure we bump into each other at Tai wah years ago :) :)
gert, dont do this to me... i crave for hor fun! its almost midnight here but still perot can bunyi bunyi somemore! ayo, tengok gambar lagi buat geram! i'm so gonna print this out and try it when hardy gets back (he's away again for the whole week).
and where is tai wah? never heard of it before pon. i first had hor fun kat kl crown princess hotel. masa dulu duluuuuu... they had a good chinese chef there. now no more. but thanks to you, i can now make my own hor fun!!
Gert..ummi sekarang jenis bangun awal. Pukul 5 pagi mata dah buntang. Apalagi blog hoppinglah. Hey thanks for the tip masukkan kuetiaw dalam microwave, dulu ummi selalu buang je lepas dah keras macam batu.
wooo..tengok gambar aje i know..must be delicious...kna try ni...ASAP..hahaha...nnti can try over mee/spaghetti also..kna tukar nama la Gert..heee
sedapnya...sure will get into the list of recipes that I will try.
more or less, a bit mcm kuey teow hailam kan..
next week la i try, can't wait..
now I know the tips for keuy teow. Everytimw beli kuey teow, masuk fridge mesti jadi keras mcm batu. If try to break 'em, it will hancur... so, I always just rinse 'em and cooked straight away..
after this I know...microwave it...
thanks gert
Happy CNY...
This "Hor Fun" is really yummy! It looks so great with the fresh Shrimp!
Zaza, Tai Wah tu in Kajang and it was closed down a long long time ago :)
Ummi, dulu I pun buang saja when ia jadi keras but not now :)
Jun, you very creative lah :) :)
Dr No, I pun gitu jugak. I even soak it in hot water and ia jadi hancur :(
Bigfish, it was yummy. I can eat this everyday :)
Oh may, your noodle absolutely make me drooling!!
I hopped from my sister's blog (Aiyah Nonya/Simply888) and has been a silent visitor to your blog. I want to say a big thank you for your banana bread recipe which turned out to be an absolute to die for. Hubby kept asking it every week! I really appreciate it that you had the recipe posted on this blog.
Also same to your other recipes which I have not try yet, but soon.
Dwina, thank you.
Dawn, thanks for stopping by. The banana bread is also our fav. I will make it each time I have over-ripe bananas :)
Thanks for sharing the recipe. My husband and I love hor fun. We used to buy it for our supper whenever we were in Singapore. I will surely try this recipe!
your blog is almost like my recipe book. I really like most of the food you have cooked. Thanks again for sharing!
Thank you for the recipe. Dah lama mencari. My kids sukaaaa sangat tau. Sebelum ni selalu beli kat kedai je. TQ again.
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