Ingredients :
1 1/2 pound of tapioca/cassava (ubi kayu) - Peel and cut into chunks
2 pandan/screwpine leaves
some salt
Topping :
1 1/2 cup of fresh grated coconuts
1/4 cup of palm sugar or brown sugar (more if you want it sweeter)
1/4 of water
1 tbsp of cornstarch + 1 tbsp of water.
2) Mashed it while it hot and add in 1 tsp of salt. Then flatten it on a baking dish. Set aside to cool.
3) For the topping bring the water and palm sugar to boil. Add in coconut and cornstarch and cook until dry. Set aside to cool.
4) Cut the tapioca into desire shape and top it with some coconut and serve.
gert, this reminds me of a Vietnamese dessert. Same concept too, except that the tapioca is boiled and then sliced into 1-inch chunks. The toppings are also grated coconuts with palm sugar. Yummy!
These look wonderful--I had to click through after I saw it on Tastespotting! Such cute presentation!
Wow, very nice! First time seeing this kuih too. Very interesting!
Ooo..I think I'm going to like this kuih.
wow!looks delicious.the casava is boil wan?interesting emm:)
Very cute ubi kayu kuih... Sayang nak makan Gert... Sure taste good... As you know, I love anything with coconut. YUM YUM!!!
Hai Gert, how r u? Hope u're doing fine n have a great day! Wah, ure Kueh Ubi cute n looks yummy...duk jauhpun x lupa selera kampung ek...
Pinky, I've eaten the one you mentioned in Thailand. They serve the whole piece of tapioca with coconut milk.
Cakespy, thank you and thanks for stopping by.
LCOM, I've only eaten this kueh a few times made by this lady :)
Louisa, I am sure you are going to like it.
Sweetiepie, yes is boil and then mash :)
Cat, it is really good especially with the coconut :)
Ummi, I am good. Thanks for asking. I kat sini tapi hati kat kampong M'sia :)
I've never tried this kuih before and I am sure it tastes good too. Seriously Gert, you should open a bakery or a restaurant. Baby Joshua and I will make a special trip to be there.:)
Interesting kuih. I would like to try this. It looks so cute.
look at that presentation!! wow-weeee!! if you would put it infront of me, i'd stare them first, before i put it in my mouth!
never get bored with casava. the thing is I am quite lazy to peel it off and cut it. I tried this kueh one time, very good!
Yatie, thank you for you vote of confidence :)I am still in learning stage. If I really open a cafe I will definately invites you and Joshua.
Zue, this kueh is a bit like kueh Gertuk :)
Zaza, thank you :)
Dwiana, actually you can buy the frozen cassava from our local supermarket. Is already clean and peel and you just have to boil it.
I haven't tried this kuih before, but from the look of it, it sure taste good
Gert, agree with some of the comments, you are good in cooking/baking. Would love to be your first customer if you open the cafe.
My God! Looks so petite lovely! So professionally done! a toast to you! well done!
wow these look so cute and inviting. I know i'll never attempt these ,i'm very lazy and look for easy recipes all the time. but i would so love to pick one of the screen and taste it. Really very nice !
wooaa Gert, nice looking ubi kayu..hehe. never saw this b4..but i know already how it taste...very ez n yet so, mmg ade jual mcm ni k?
BBO, thank you.
Kate, thank you. Actually is really easy to make this little gems :)
Jun, not sure if they sell this now. I bought this a long time ago around Bukit Bintang :)
I love this. I used to eat this but Palm sugar mix with cassava and as a topping grated coconut instead of palm sugar.
hmmm...i am wondering if i cud get cassava in hong kong....i miss cassava
Retno, give this cassave kueh a try and you might like it :)
Rita, thanks for stopping by. Hope you are able to get cassave in Hong Kong.
tis dessert look quite my house have 1 big ubi kayu..mayb can try makin it ^^
I'm a big fan of kuih but have never heard or seen this type of tapioca cake/kueh. Must try this soon... Thanks for sharing.
Btw, I love your blog.
Keep up the good work.
I love this kuih. Those of you residing in subang jaya, can get this kuih from the stall selling nyonya kuih outside a corner coffee shop at SS15.
Its yummy!
3 princesses, thanks for the info. I used to live in SS19 S.Jaya. I will check at the coffee shop at SS15 when I go back.
If I want to eat the Tapioca Cake/Kueh Ubi Kayu the next day, should I steam it or put into the toaster oven to heat it?
Thank you.....
God Bless & A Happy New Year
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