Today is Dongzhi or Winter Solstice Festival. Diana and I made some Tong Yuen to celebration the festival. Eating Tong Yuen symbolize family unity and prosperity. I remember when we were young we used to help our grandmother to make this early in the morning and my grandmother used to tell us that the amount of tong yuen to eat will go according to our aged. Then we also asked her " Ah Mah (grandmother) since you are 78 years old so you have to eat the whole pot of tong yuan lor :-) :-)" This is the time where my whole family will gather together to have a dinner. The last time I had Dongzhi dinner with the family was more 8 years ago. I really miss home :(
Diana helping me makes tong yuen.

Diana enjoying her bowl of tong yuen.

happy dongzhi to you and your family
I have to lok back all those lovely post u blog gosh all those lovely cookie and kuit you are very busy huh.
merry xmas to you and your family too
Happy Dongzhi to you, Gert.
Eh, can post some recipe ke..??? I know it's simple but you know me lah...
Gert...HappY Tong Yuen Chit to you & family..I also make some Tong Yuen sui today!! hehehe!!.Never make it b4 until,but I remember how my mom do it while we help like Diana.Chinese said "gan kin kung fu"..Wah...Diana look different...more'leng lui'now..
Alah.. gert.. rindunyer makanan msia.. I kat negara arab ni.. hari2 makan nasi beriyani and ayam panggang.. dah rasa nak muntah.. malam ni kena cari chinese food pulak.
hihihi I had mine yesterday, sunny cooked tang yuen, I don't believe it....lol!
Nice tong yuen...looks so chewy!
Pearly, Merry Christmas to you and your family too.
Cat, is really easy to make this. Just mix glutinious rice flour with some water to form a dough and roll it to a size of marble. Drop into boiling water and once it float is done. Cook some syrup with water, sugar and pandan leaves and voila!!! Is done.
Beachlover, this girl really like tong yuen that why I made it. She will be leaving for Japan on the 1st of Jan :( :(
Ummi, you holiday kat sana ke? Hari hari makan the same food mesti lah jelak :)
BBO, I am sure Sunny make some yummy tong yuen since he is so good at dessert :)
Pinky, thank you. You are back from Argentina?
Happy belated Dongzhi day! Oh my, I totally forgotten about this day (until I see this post!) since we were out the whole day yesterday! Luckily Evy still got some tong yuens because I finally gave in to her nagging and made it for her few days earlier.
Merry Christmas and Joyous New Year to you and family too! :)
Thank you Ching. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family too ;)
Very colourful Tong Yuen wor.
hi there, first time here. Your are a good blogger :D . May I know how to make the soup for this Tong Yuen? I have the ball, my friend gave it long time ago and still in the freezer. She also dont really sure how to make it..hihi..
Sue, thank you.
Siti, I am sorry to read your comment late. For the soup I just bring some water to oil with a few slices of ginger (optional), pandan leaves and some sugar. Some people like it with brown sugar.
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