Ingredients :
(adapted from Donna Hay Classic II)
1 stick (4 oz) of butter
1 cup of sugar
3 eggs
1 1/2 cup of flour
1 tsp of baking powder
1/2 tsp of baking soda
1 tsp of vanilla
1/2 cup of milk

1) Pre-heat oven to 300 F. Grease baking pan.
2) Put all ingredients in a mixing bowl and beat on low speed until combined.
3) Increase to high speed and beat until smooth.
4) Pour into greased pan and bake for an hour or until cooked when tested with skewer.
5) Allow to cool briefly and then turn out onto a wire rack.

1 stick (4 oz) of butter
1 cup of sugar
3 eggs
1 1/2 cup of flour
1 tsp of baking powder
1/2 tsp of baking soda
1 tsp of vanilla
1/2 cup of milk

1) Pre-heat oven to 300 F. Grease baking pan.
2) Put all ingredients in a mixing bowl and beat on low speed until combined.
3) Increase to high speed and beat until smooth.
4) Pour into greased pan and bake for an hour or until cooked when tested with skewer.
5) Allow to cool briefly and then turn out onto a wire rack.

love those cakes, especially those size, look so petite. What baking tin soze did you use?
oh!! I wanna to buy Donna Hay book but it's really expensive..Where you get your book??.hmmm...what a yummy cake you have there...I just make some baking too..hubby already bising2 liao he said still have alot of cookies ,bread and cakes,why keep making foods and throw away?*sob sob*...i will try next time..thanks for sharing:)))
BBO, I used mini loft pan that comes like muffin pan. Size around 3 1/2" x 1 1/2".
Beachlover, I bought Donny Hay books from Amazon.com and it is much cheaper than the book store. We too have problem finishing what ever I baked so I will give it to my neighbors and sometime Carlos will take it to work to share it with others.
I definitely will bake this cake... Maybe next weekend... I love butter cake... Will bake some and take it to work for my co-workers... Hehe.
aiyooo Gert, kek plak. cepatnyer u masak macam2 ni...i tried that szechuan chicken , lom post lagik...jap lagi baru nak mkn, tunggu my laling balik dulu..hehehe
YUM! Another butter cake lover here. :) Gert ... I don't have those mini pans. Can I use the muffin trays?
Gert..banyaknya resipi..tiap2 hari my saliva drooling..nanti tunggu oven baru, bolelah try cake2 you yang delicious tu.. he he he..
Tapi tak taulah sempat ke tidak nak masak ni.
Cat, this is a very easy cake to make but later I will post another butter cake recipe.
Jun, manalah cepat. You lagi cepat. Sekali posting 2-3 recipe :) :)
Rita, you can use any kind of baking pan for this cake.
Ummi, mana pergi lama tak singgah kat blog I :) Kenapa pulak tak sempat masak? Once you get your oven baru boleh bake everyday :) :)
I am making this for my sis's MIL .. she loves butter cake :) and I do too .. entah sempat ke I give my sis's MIL kalau I bake nanti ? .. maybe I have to bake more .. it looks easy enough to follow :) thanks Gert you are the greatest!
hey, great to know another malaysian and such a wonderful blog!
Envy, this recipe senang buat. Put everything in the mixer and turn it on then bake it :)
Terri, thanks for stopping by.
i tried your recipe today, so delicious. not too sweet. just right for asian taste buds.
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