Since we are both from Malaysia so I prepared this simple claypot chicken rice which is a very popular dish from Malaysia. Claypot chicken rice can either be served as dinner or lunch. It is a dish that you can find at most of the hawker places in Malaysia. Claypot chicken rice is cooked in the claypot first. Then, the rest of the ingredients like chicken, mushroom and Chinese sausages are added to the top. Thus, I reckon, it can be easily categorized under one-pot cooking.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Claypot Chicken Rice
Since we are both from Malaysia so I prepared this simple claypot chicken rice which is a very popular dish from Malaysia. Claypot chicken rice can either be served as dinner or lunch. It is a dish that you can find at most of the hawker places in Malaysia. Claypot chicken rice is cooked in the claypot first. Then, the rest of the ingredients like chicken, mushroom and Chinese sausages are added to the top. Thus, I reckon, it can be easily categorized under one-pot cooking.
Asian Dishes,
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wow!! Gert,at last you do it!! guest writer !! Your claypot chicken rice look good!!.I just bought another mini clapypot,should cook this meal soon still it's cold now!
This is one dish I have not had time to taste in Malaysia, I've always had regrets about not trying.. (only lack of time and limit of 3 meals a day!)
So thank you very much, I'll try this one soon!
That looks absolutely delicious! Where can I get the recipe?
That looks like such a great meal all in one bowl!
Your rss feed is not working. Did you shut down it on purpose or did you change something in your blog settings and are not aware of it?
I know the feed is visible when one clicks the link at the bottom of your page, but my feed-reader (online) does not update your posts. I have subscribed to several hundreds of (food) blogs, most of them are hosted by Blogger and all feeds work - except yours?
Lesley, first time doing it :)After cooking this my claypot cracked on me so I have to get a new one :)
Christelle, too bad you didn't get to try this dish but its ok you can always cook it yourself.
Chocolate Shaving, go to the link at the bottom of this post for the recipe.
Katie, yeah its a one pot meal.
Dianne, I don't know what is rss feed and I didn't do any changes to my blog setting so I have no clue what went wrong. So far you are the only one who have this problem.
It looks amazing! I have never tried cooking in a claypot!
we also use claypots for cooking in the philippines.. your dish looks yummy as always.
Congrats for being a guest writer! We luv claypot chicken rice esp those burnt one at the bottom of the pot. Sinful but Yummy! Your dish looks so appetizing! ;)
Looks great! I want to eat this when I go back to M'sia too with the selection of herbal soups, yummy.
This dish reminds me of my hometown famous claypot chicken rice. We like to add a bit of salted fish into the claypot, which makes me become addicted to the dish. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Do you use gas or electric stove to cook this dish? How to prevent the rice at the bottom of the claypot from being burnt?
PS: I left the same msg in My Cooking Hut. But I thought I have questions, so I rewrite my msg here :P
Gert, im gonna try making this today. wish me luck!
utterly amazing dish and it has everything as well as being full of flavour. loved it .
Meg, hope you will try out this dish :)
Jescel, thank you.
Food For Tots, thank you. You too like the crusty bottom :)
LCOM, are you planning to go home next year?
Pepsi, thanks for stopping by. I already answer to your question at Cooking Hut.
Farina, kalau ada problem masak ni you can call me :)
Rico, thanks for stopping by and your comment.
It's great having Gertrude as the guest writer... I really like all her Malaysian cooking - and this claypot chicken rice really makes me feel good even though by just looking at it *LOL*!!!
This looks like a delicious one pot meal :), it looks packed full of flavor.
Mycookinghut, thank you so much for having me as your guest.
Sophie, thanks for stopping by.
Claypot chicken rice is a must in our household. Wow...yummylicious!
Jadepearl, thanks. By the way did you make your blog private?
Yum yum...have not eaten the real claypot rice out from the claypot for a long long time. I'm deprived!
I can't wait to try this! I don't have a clay pot like the one I see in your picture (and on My Cooking Hut). Instead, I have a Pomaire (from Chile) clay pot - it's not glazed so it's rather porous. Do you think it would still work? Even then, I've always wanted the clay pots I've seen at the market.
Tigerfish, I am sure you can get this dish easily at Singapore :)
Tangle Noodle, thanks for stopping by and your comment. I am not sure if it will work or not but you can always try it.
I love claypot chicken rice! In fact, I've been thinking of getting a claypot for this very purpose. Bookmarked: thanks!
Hi, I am really glad I came across your blog.
I intend to make this recipe. When I leave the claypot on the stove, do I have to keep stirring it? Wouldnt the bottom be very burnt?
I am waiting for my question to be answered. Thank you!
JS, hope you like this dish.
Lizman, I just stir it once after the rice boil and after that I turn down the heat and leave it alone. The bottom might get charr a bit.
Hi Gert,
Thank you for the lovely recipe. I finally attempted making this. Of course mine didn't look as good as this. Since i didn't have a claypot, i used rice cooker instead. I replaced the rice with brown rice too. The rice wasn't very dryas it should have been.
Thank you again for continuously posting great recipes.
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