Summer is just around the corner and we are having over 90’s degree temperature. Man, it is warm. I just hide inside the house most of the time and if I need to go out to run errand I will go out really early and be back home by noon. Even though I grew up in a tropical country but I still can’t stand the heat. I will stay indoor in an A/C room most of the time. In the heat like this it is nice to have something cooling like grass jelly. In Malaysia we usually eat this type of grass jelly with syrup or mix it with soy bean milk. I made this little cute dessert with both the grass jelly and soy bean milk.
15 grm of agar agar powder
1000 ml unsweetened soy bean milk
¾ cup sugar ( more if you like it sweeter )
1 can/500 grm grass jelly (cut into small cubes or roughly grated into long strand)
3 pandan leaves

Grass Jelly

1. In a saucepan, bring soy bean milk, agar agar powder and pandan leaves to a slow boil. Make sure you stir the mixture all the time until the agar agar dissolves.
2. Remove the pandan leaves and add in the sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Taste and see if you like the amount of sweetness.
3. Add in the grass jelly. Pour the mixture in a tray or jelly mould of your choice. Chilled until firm before serving.
When my grandma makes it for us when we were young, we always call this Michael Jackson Jelly!
Your post reminds me of chedal,( I"m not sure how to spell it), a wonderful coconut drink with atap seeds and green jelly that we had in Singapore. We called the green jelly - green worms.
I love the grass jelly and soya bean drink, the people in the market even renamed it to Michael Jackson drink when he passed away! Your dessert looks delicious.
LOL@QUinn's remark on Jelly! Michael Jackon Jelly!
I like the grass jelly and used to eat plenty of them in summer. Really miss this.
yeah, Michael Jackson! Love the combo :))
Hello, where do you get your pandan leaves? I also am a Msian living in the US - in DC! If I am not mistaken, you live in PA, so if you could tell me the name of the exact store where you can find pandan leaves, I will personally drive up there to get it. THANKS!
P/S Also, if you've been to DC and know ANY store that has pandan leaves, please tell also! Thanks.
This is so lovely. Perfect desert for the hot weather here now. I am going to ear mark this for trial soon.
Hi Gertrude,
Thanks for visiting my blog! I would love love love to visit Malaysia soon because I know I will love all the food there. Malaysia is definitely on my list of places to visit next! ^_^
This black and white jelly looks delicious - I love grass jelly!
This is exactly what I want right now in this scorching heat which is just unbearable! Michael Jackson combo!
haha...Cheah is so funny! Frankly, I need some of these too. The weather has been extremely hot over here too, eventhough rains almost every evening. Hope you'll have a great weekend.
Cheers, Kristy
This is really good for our hot weather here. I made this before but with barley water.
Try adding some evaporated milk to the soy milk. It bring outs the soy milk flavour when made into agar based jellies.
I never make mine without it and some people wonder mine just taste so different and lovely.
Quinn, yeap the famous Michale Jackson drink in Malaysia :)
Carol, oh the little worms is called 'Cendol'
Jeannie, actually the drink has been around for sometime now. Since he change his skin color and also when his Black and White song came out :)
Angie, we like grass jelly a lot too especially mixing it with can fruits.
Tracie, all us Malaysian like this drink :)
This is a very refreshing dessert with the grass jelly...yeah we called this the Michael Jackson Jelly :)
Catlover, you can get frozen pandan leaves at any Vietnamese grocery store. I am sure you can get it in DC too. Here in PA I got it from the Vietnamese supermarket 1st Orental between 6th street and Washington Ave, PA.
Angi, thanks for stopping by. I am sure you are going to love Malaysia.
Cheah, oh the weather here is very warm too. Lucky it is not as humind as Malaysia.
Kristy & Anncoo, yea summer is definitely here.
Wendy, thanks for the tips.
It's 85'F here and I would love to have this refreshing and cooling agar-agar.
yeah we had that one very hot day on tues i think...oy was it humid, i was not ready for that, but i did go swimming. do you have a pool? these candies are so cool. i adore your creativity. have a good holiday! i never see you around anymore....hope all is well.
i must make this jelly too, weather here is really hot now, lovely combination.
wow, those are so pretty!
Sounds refreshing and looks great!
Love the jelly moulds! Where did you buy them?
very interesting....i wish i liked jello, I may try this on my husband
LCOM, the weather here is going craze too. Too hot to be outside :(
Dawn, I am doing well. Congratulations on your book. Too bad we don't have a pool here if not I will be dipping in there all day long :)
Sonia, it is hot and humid here too.
Simple Life, thank you.
Pam, thanks.
Anon, I got it from Malaysia.
Wanna Be Chef, thanks for stopping by.
I love to experiment and make all kinds of jelly flavours. Bookmarked this black and white version, looks so yummy :D
Grass jelly and soy bean milk are both my favourite! A great recipe for summer!
I was googling for agar agar and jelly recipes and found your blog. Love your photos and detailed recipes.
I have also shared few of your jelly recipes with my colleagues and we are so eager to try and make them. Hopefully turn out yummy ^.~
Thanks for sharing. Cheerios!
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