Macarons, the cute and adorable little cookies from France! My obsession with it started last year when I saw them popping up on many baking blogs. Every blog I visited, someone was making them. And, how could I not fall in love with them as well? They are so many variations of them and I just love them all. I never tasted one until Diana bought me a big box all the way from Paris. From then on I was hooked.
I tried baking them a couple of times but fail miserably but I was determined to try again until I get it right. Finally with
Tartelette recipe and tips I made some decent looking ones.

I baked another batch of these little morsels again using Tartelette recipe and it turn out much better than the first batch. I still need a lot of practice to get the size right and learn to control the temperature of my oven. Hopefully the next batch will be much batter than this one. Time to start collecting egg whites again ;) For the recipe of the Macarons please refer
here .
They turned out great! I tried making once and failed, can't wait to get it right!
They look beautiful!!
I have never tried these, because I have never been hooked: I am not a sweet tooth! But I have noticed that for the last years the French were obsessed with macaroons and verrines!
Another French website you might want to check out for macaroons is la cuisine de Mercotte, I think you'll love it too!
I love Tartelette's blog and I keep coming back to it, but I don't make the cakes, I always go for savoury!...
Looks to me that you are mastering, I draw my hat to you! :)
Your macarons look perfect. I'm going to Paris in April and can't wait to try them. Then maybe I'll have the courage to try the recipe. Or maybe not.
they came out great, but pretty much everything you touch comes out perfect! I've never made these before and am afraid too! lol
Ah, never had macaroon before... If I found it in the store, will sure get a pack coz your macaroon looks so tempting.
Very nice!! I have not tried making macarons!! I really need to put on my baker's apron soon!
I swear, I'd mentally told myself to goggle a macaron recipe after the food blog readings that I do at night..and here you have one for me. :D The ones you made turn out so yummy looking!!
I would love to try tis out one day :) You have done a great job. Not easy to get the right size and nice shape like yours :)
Hi Gert,
Your macaroons looks perfect to me.
I wish i could bake that myself.
Rgds - mima
Looking great! BTW, are you back in the states now?
My son also got hooked when he had his 1st bite of macaron during last Christmas. How I wish I can bake all these lovely macarons like you! ;)
Pigpig, don't give up. Try again and you will get it. Do try out this great receipe :)
Christelle, I too think macarons is way too sweet. I too love Tarteletter blog and I drool over everything she did. I will check out the website you mentioned.
Cathy, make sure you try out the macarons in Paris and not forgetting all the pastries :)
Dawn, thanks for the compliments. You always come out with great dessert and this will be easy for you :)
Cat, the next time you visit me I will bake some for you :)
Leemei, looking forward to see some macarons at your blog :)
Foodbox, thank you.
Elin, these are the few perfect size and looking ones LOL.
Mima, thank you. Why don't you bake some ?
LCOM, thank you. No, I am still here in KL. Will be back to US only end of the month.
Food for tots, with you talent you will master the macarons in no time :)
Gert,this batch of macaroon really look fantastic!! the face is smoother and the shape are evenly round!! I still didn't take my effort to bake again..
Great looking Macarons! They sure look adorable and I might attempt to make them soon. Thanks for sharing the recipe:)
Wowo beautiful you are getting a totally professional in making these.
Ooh I haven't made these in quite a while and I also use Helen's recipe for macarons. Great pictures.
Congrats with the success! and very nice pictures. I have to try to make them one day.
They came out better than perfect! I have not attempted macaroons myself but sure would like a go at it! I love your color of these beauties!
Hai Gert, really tempting!! FYI, I've never attempted any macarons but yours one really inspired me to try it out one day..
Gert, can you pls sms me your phone number once again. Last week my hp got system error and it has been reformated by the retailer. But then, I realised that many of new numbers being saved had lost icluding yours...huhuu
Lesley, this batch look a bit better than the pink ones. Hope to do much better the next time :)
Angie, all thanks to Tartelette for her wonderful recipe :)
Happy Cook, thank you. I still have much to learn.
Jo, thank you.
Ummi, I will sms you my phone number :)
Janet, thank you and looking forward to see your great macarons.
Nazarina, thank you.
I love macaroons. Yours look perfect!
oh my.. they're beautiful.. I, too, have been wanting to try and bake them myself but haven't gotten around to doing it! I already have a bookmarked recipe that is just waiting for the right time! :o) your macarons look delish.
Oh do they look good. Absolutey perfect. I have never made them and don't know if I would have the patience. I get frustrated too easily!!!
Aiyooooh why your macaroons look sooooooo nice?
I heard that macarons are the hardest thing to bake, hence I don't dare to try it ;p yours look so wonderful!
Maya, thank you.
Jescel, hope to see you macarons in your blog soon :)
Debbie, give it a try as you might never know. Some people got it the very first time but not me :)
Mamafami, thank you :)
Noobcook, to me it is the hardest cookies to make :)
Gert..u dah pandai buat macarons...nnti i nak try jugak...dah lama simpan resepi2 ni...
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