Ingredients :
250 grm almonds
450 grm of flour
225 grm icing/powder sugar
220 grm corn oil/vegetable oil
1/2 tsp of baking powder
1/2 tsp of baking soda
1 tsp of salt
Egg Wash
2 egg yolk
a few drop of yellow food coloring
2) In a mixing bowl, mix flour, ground almonds, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Mix well.
3) Add in oil and knead to make into a dough. Shape the dough round or cut into desired shape.
4) Brush the top with some egg. At this stage you can decorate the top with some almonds. Bake in 350 degree F oven until golden brown.
5) Cool completely and keep cookies in an air-tight container.
Hi gert...waaaaa.....cantiknya "nyonya ware" i tak de pun cawan teh yg ada tutup tuu...cantik lahh!!!!...
I looooove this, I think I ate the whole jar that we have at home.
Wonderful. I highly doubt these wouldlast much longer than 2 days in my household.
These look wonderful! I'm addicted to anything with almonds, so this is really appealing to me.
You bila mau balik US and bake for me..??? Aisey, I miss you lah... Hehe!
I simply love this melt in the mouth cookies! got the dinner set! How beautiful.....Don't forget to write to me about them...I want them too....oh and I forgot, you cookies look scrumptious....want some now...both dinner set and cookies!!!!!
looks so yummy, I can have this at any time of the year ;)
Gert,I'm admiring your beautiful ware.Don't forget to get some back here..
Those look delicious!
Gert, I thought after CNY no more baking..hahaa...rajin betul u buat cookies...nampak sedap betul..Amboiii Mat, peminat set baba nyonya betul dia..hehe
Did you bake these cookies in KL? They are my favourite cookies! Should have dropped by your place to sample some. Hehehe!
Mat, thanks to you for telling me that you bought the nonya ware from Jonker street. I beli dari situ jugak :) Nak beli banyak sikit tapi mahal sangat.
Pigpig, me too :) Can eat a lot in one sitting.
Dawn, once you eat one you can't stop :)
Fearless Kitchen, Me too.
Cat, I am going back towards end of Feb. Nanti I bake for you ok.
LCOM, this taste so much like peanut cookies.
Vg, will write to you once I am back in US. This nonya is not cheap. So can buy only a few :)
noobcook, bake some for youself :)
Lesley, I bought some but too expensive :)
Alisa, thank you.
Ummi, I baked this for CNY.
Food For Tots, I am still in KL. Do come over :)
Gert...i pun tgh servey kat tempat2 lain, kalau dpt harga murah sikit..Tapi "nyonya ware" semua mahal2 laa...u pergi mana2 kedai pun harga macam tu. Ada nampak "kasut manik" tak?..i tanya hari tu untuk my nephew kan, kasut yang fine work and halus dekat2 RM800!!!...kalau yang very2 fine, harga boleh sampai RM1000+!!!..boleh pingsan guaaa!!!!
These cookies are my fav during CNY.
Tks for your kind offer. Unfortunately I am in Spore now. :(
I can eat a whole plate of these , no problem!
Mat, memang mahal. I check kedai lain and the price is pretty much the same. What about kat Penang? Do you think its cheaper? I nampak the kasut manik tapi tak minat lah :)
Hai.. Saya nak ambil gambar masakan kat sini boleh?gambar kek ke.. Simpan dalam komputer.. Klau saya nak guna dlm internet ke,atau yg sama dengannya, insyaAllah I will sertakan link blog ini..
Harap2 boleh...
Fadhilah, kalau untk kegunaan you sendiri tak apa. But if you nak post kat blog than you have link it back to my blog.
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