Ingredients :
2 1/2 to 3 C coarsely shredded daikon (around 1 1/2 to 2 lbs)
1 red carrot - shredded
2 Chinese sausage - finely diced
3 dried shiitake mushrooms - soak in hot water and finely diced
3 Tbsp small dried shrimp - soak in water and finely chopped
2 shallots - thinly sliced
2 green onion - thinly sliced
2 cup rice flour (do not use glutinous rice flour)
1 3/4 cup water
salt and white pepper to taste

2) Heat 2 tsp of oil in a skillet or wok and stir fry shallots, Chinese sausage,mushroom, shrimp, and green onion for 2 to 3 minutes. Add daikon, 3/4 cup of water, salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil and then add in the rice flour mixture.
3) Continue to stir until mixture thicken. Remove from heat.
4) Pour mixture into a well greased square or round pan and steam over high heat for 45 minutes.
5) Cool or chill overnight. After cooling, cut the cake into 1/4 in slices and pan fry until both sides are golden brown.
6) Serve with chili sauce.
Absolutely delicious looking! Can I go to your house for tea because I'm too lazy to make? :P
I'm drooling! :-) Looks good, but I can imagine what it will do to my blood sugar! :-(
At fisrt glance, I thought your kuih name is Pak Lah.
Aik Gert, where is the chili sauce? I heard lok bak koh is hard to make...
*tumpang lalu Gert*
Alamak Kak Zue, sakit perut Cath baca your comment...
I am really really salivting now! I am getting crazy now!
YUUUUMMMMMY! I like this with that sweet (oyster?) sauce. Quite a bit of work for me to make now but will definite try later.
Like Cath, I almost died laughing at Zue's comment. Hilarious!
LCOM, too bad you live so far away. If not I can share some with you.
Puteri, one or two slice should be ok, right?
Zue, kelakarlah you ha haaa. Maybe we should rename it to Pak Lah kueh :) :)
Cat, is not that difficult to make.
BBO, ha haa.. come over to my house and you can eat as much as you want.
Rita, I think the sauce is 'tau cheong' sweet sauce. Give me a call if you feel like making it.
walio.... so delicous, we can open dim sum shop oledi!
This looks yummylicious!!!
Love your blog!
These are so yummy. I love them like that, from the dim sum restaurant type. Delicious!
BBK, yeah lets open a dim sum place ha haaa..
Jadepearl, thanks for stopping by.
Singairishgirl, look like a lot of people like this Loh Pak Koh :)
i like lo pak ko!
Christine, hope you try this out.
I made this last nite. Had it for breakfast this morning as it is, without frying. Absolutely delicious. Omitted the Chinese sausage though, cos I don't have them ready in my pantry. Still...it was very good. Thanks for sharing.
Hi there!
I've tried couple of your recipes and they all turned out very well. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your recipes with us. It amazed me how easy and simple it was to make cookies, snacks etc. Thank you so much and keep up the good work!
Best wishes,
Natasya, glad that you try out the recipe and likes it.
Winkhi, thanks for your support and your kind comment.
I have tried a few of your receipes and my 4 years old loves it and we love it too. Her Kindy Teacher asked if we can do the Rainbow Glutinous Rice Cake next term as one of the activity.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. You are absolutely talented.
Hi Gert,
Finally tried this recipe, its delicious as usual. Didn't know what to expect but I followed your recipe instructions. I kept assuring myself that if Gert gives this instruction it will be fine. Thanks !!!
Thank you so much for the recipe. Tried it and it was awesome. Only thing that I have altered is I have put in some corn starch.
Can this be cooked in the microwave, rather than steamed? If so, how long for?
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