November 12 came and went without me even noticing that is was my blog 3rd birthday. It’s hard for me to believe that My Kitchen Snippets is 3 years old. Like a child, it started out small and has been growing slowly and gradually every since. When I started this blog I thought that I’d just try my hand in blogging because it seems pretty popular and I wanted to find out more about it, and I thought that it could be fun.. It is not always smooth sailing as they are plenty of hiccups along the way but My Kitchen Snippets goal are still the same. I’ve certainly made new contacts and wonderful friends from this blog and I also enjoy receiving comments and emails from people asking me questions or simply thanking me for my blog which I think is great. I will continue to post my kitchen adventures here to share it with you. Anyway, many thanks to you for your kind support. It’s a good 3 years and let’s hope for 3 more.
Let me be the first to say to you: Happy 3rd Blog Birthday :D
Happy Blog Birthday!
Congrats, Happy Birthday and wish for many more years to come!
Thank you for sharing your recipes. I use your recipes quite often and today I gather all of the courage to say thank you. You made our family dinner time more enjoyable.
many happy returns of today!
Happy bloggie birthday!
Congrats and well done! When (if) my blog turns 3, I hope it to be just like yours! Happy birthday. My Kitchen Snippets!
Happy 3rd blog anniversary :)) Thanks Gert for all those wonderful sharing and I remembered 2 years back I was just the silent reader and today we are buddies from across the ocean :)) Thanks to your blog we became friends and I have so much to learn from your cooking adventures. Keep up the good work and without you , Elin will be still be stunted but with your help I am growing :) Thanks and hey ,I am like writing a love note here LOL! Happy 3rd birthday and many more to come ya.
Congrats Gert! Happy 3rd Blog Anniversary :)
Happy 3rd Blog Birthday !!! Congratulations, looking forward more posts from you, keep up the good works.
Hai Gert.., how are you? Happy 3rd Blog Birthday..Congrats!! Still looking up for your tempting recipes and i'll keep my eyes on it! Have a great days ahead n keep well..muaahhh!
happy blog birthday !! 3 years is pretty long....and what a great blog! :)))
Happy Blog Birthday!!!!
You have made our dinners more interesting.
Happy Blog Anniversary! Time really flies when you have fun.
Beautiful blog , beautiful memories ! Good Job !
Happy blogging anniversary!
Happy Blog 3rd Birthday!! wish many more to come!
Thank you everyone for your wishes and kind support.
Happy 3rd birthday! I have been your faithful readers for a long time and your blog has inspired me to start my own :)
Happy Bloggersary! Your blog is great with all the mouth-watering dishes! Well done and keep it up!
Happy blog birthday!
Ellie, Food for Tots, Stephanie, thank you so much for your wishes and kind support.
Happy 3rd Anniversary to My Kitchen Snippets!
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