1/2 pound ground meat (either pork, chicken or turkey)
1 cup of shrimp, finely chopped
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp Chinese rice wine
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 spring onion - finely chopped
1 teaspoon grataed fresh ginger root
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tsp sesame oil
Salt and pepper to taste
24 wanton wrappers
3 cups chicken stock
Some green vegetables like mustard green or bak choy
Salt and pepper to taste
2. Place a wanton wrapper on your palm and put about 1 teaspoon of the filling in the center of the wanton wrapper. Wet the edges and gather the corners of the wrapper with the other hand and give it a twist in the middle to “close” the wanton. Repeat until the filling is used up.
3. In a saucepan, bring the stock to a boil and add in the wantons and cook for approx. 4 - 5 minutes. Add in the vegetables and check seasoning.
4. Transfer to bowls and serve warm.
I've been craving won ton soup lately. Must be both the cooler weather and homesick as well! I must give your recipe a try one day soon. :)
This is my boys favourite eventhough I am not too keen myself.I'll just let them feast their eyes on yours saja la...hahahah...I tak kuasa mo masak dishes that I do not like to eat.Evil mom and wife,eh?
Your won ton soup looks better than the shops one! Very good looking and appetizing! I'm hungry now... :P
Yum, I want a bowl of hot wanton soup please! :P
oh yea,we are having rainy and cold days until this weekend!! tonite we are about 30 F plus only:( A bowl of wonton soup is welcome now!! yummy!!
Your 1 Ton soup look really delicious, I seldom make this at home, I think I need to give it a try..
Oh, homemade wonton soup like this is what I need to chase my blues away right now.
Gert, I want a bowl. Looks so delicious! :)
I love wanton and can never have enough of them. I totally agree with you that homemade is definitely better especially when you can make jumbo size wanton. Yours looks so yummy and comforting!
These look amazing. Plump and juicy and HOT. One of the things I hate while travelling in cold countries is eating COLD food, like sandwiches. I'd rather just drink soup, or eat a bowl of wantons, like these.
For our won ton soup, we used ikan bilis to make a clear fish stock. Add some fried shallots to it, a dash or two of ground white pepper, and you are good to go!
Mary-Anne, yea the weather is crazy here too. What can be better than a bowl of comforting wanton soup.
Shereen, how come you tak suka ni? Tak apa tell Simon and Justyn I will make it for them when I go there ha ha..
Kitchen Vorner, thank you.
LCOM, you are welcome to a bowl. There weather at Colorado is crazy too, right :) :)
Lesley, yea NY weather is the same as here.
Sonia, thank you.
Petite Nyonya, ha ha... this will be good.
Elin, thank you.
Food for tots, me too and thank you.
Little Teochew, I too hate cold sandwich. For me I will have a bowl of piping hot wanton soup anytime :)
Nate & Annie, I like ikan bilis stock too but I am scare that I will drive hubby away when I boil it ha ha..
I love soup like this during winter months... :)
Ah, looks warm and cozy!
Hands up, this is absolute comfort soup for the cold weather.
Nothing beats a hot bowl of wonton soup!
Humm, yummym, my favorite is soy kau, is it the same dumplings? - the filling seems the same:) -
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