Ingredients :
300 g pumpkin(remove seeds, hard skin then shred it)
Batter (Combined)
250 grm rice flour
70 grm of wheat starch
1 tbsp of chicken granules
1 tsp salt
750 ml water
Topping :
100 grm of chicken meat (cut into small cubes)
4 shallots (thinly slice)
4 bird eyes chilies - slice thinly
2 red chilies- slice thinly
2 spring onions - cut small
Some cilantro (garnish)
salt and pepper to taste
2. In the same oil stir-fry chicken until cook. Sprinkle some salt and dish out and mix it with shallots, chillis and spring onions. Add in a bit of salt and pepper and set aside the topping.
3. Using the same pan and 2 tbsp of oil, stir fry grated pumpkin for 2 minutes.
4. Pour in the batter mix and continue to cook and stir until batter thicken. Turn off the fire.
5. Grease a pan or small mould with some cooking oil and fill it up with the batter.
6. Steam over high for 30 minutes. Remove from steamer and sprinkle the topping on top.
7. Leave it to cool and cut into slices before serving.
Note : If you are steaming it in little mould let it cool completely before un-moulding and then sprinkle some topping.
I can tell it tastes really good with that cili potong. Never had eaten Kim Kuah Kuih before but don't mind to give it a try.
hmm. very neat idea. since i love pumpkin, i will try for sure! it's been bookmarked.
Gert, buat masak lemak with daun kunyit and cili potong pun sedap makan dgn nasi. Or buat pengat labu with mata ikan. Dua2 guna santan.
I am not a big fan of pumpkin, my only favorite is pengat labu but looking at your creation I must say I'll probably add your Steam Pumpkin cake on my favorite list. Yummy! Gert, you got tagged.
Gert, this looks delicious. Definitely bookmarking it!
I love pumpkin, there are so many things you can do with it!
Gert, I hantu pumpkin but have never taste this food of yours. I will try your recipe the next time I buy pumpkin. Your presentation is very nice.
Cat, the taste is very similar to Wo Tau kao.
Flanboyant, thanks for stopping by and your comment.
Ummi, I tak pernah buat pengat but I am curious abot the mata ikan part :) What is that?
Yatie, thank you and I will do the tag in my other blog :)
Parsnip, thank you :)
Hilary, you are a fan of pumpkin too :)
Zue, I tahu you suka pumpkin :)
Gert, mata ikan tu sagolah..hehehe..
Love your presentation! :)
Ummi, ooooh..sago :)
LCOM, welcome home!!
Those steamed pumpkin cakes look good!
yeahhhh baby! i always wanted to try making steamed cake and this one looks sooo good!
Kakak! oh Kakak! looks so delicious!
Kevin, Rita & BBO, thank you :)
very yummy I love it. I don't have a steamer so I baked it with a pan of water. Still yummy and got crunchy top too. It's yummy cos your recipe is good
ahbittersweet8, what a great idea to bake it. I am going to try it out the next time.
Can I substitute wheat flour for the rice flour if I don't really care about the texture, or would that not work?
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