Ingredients :
1 packet (7 grm) of Swallow Brand white agar agar powder
600 ml of water
1 cup of low fat milk
1/2 cup of sugar (more if you want it sweeter)
2 tbsp of coco powder
1/2 can cream corn (4 oz)
2) Divide mixture to half. One part add in the coco powder and stir until well combined and the other part with corn. Keep the corn part warm over low heat.
3) Strain the coco part into a wet mould and let it set in the refrigerator. Once it's set scratch the surface with a fork and then pour the corn mixture on top.
4) Chill and let it set completely before cutting into it. Serve cold.
Note : You can replace the milk with coconut milk.
Welcome back Gert!!Glad you have nice time in cali!!..This agar agar is really refreshing!!
welcome home glad u enjoy yourself :)
you are right look so cool
may be I kid will like it will show my daughter learn her do the cooking .
she is in to cooking now a day .
thank for sharing ... look at it make me wanted to eat NOW
That's really interesting. I don't think I've ever seen a dessert like this before but it looks really good. I love the presentation!
Lovely agar2! You made me curious as to what kind of mold you used! Because it looked so long and I don't remember seeing such a long can before (can jar cut in half?).
wa..geram tgk agar2 ni..
Welcome back. Agar-agar is best served in the summer time... but both my girls do not like jelly or agar-agar... :(
welcome back from ur holiday, hope to hear a wee bit of the holiday soon!
Welcome back Gert. As usual am looking forward for your cooking. Agar-agar is my favourite. So far I know how to make a simple plain agar-agar hahaha..
gert! belated birthday wishes to you and welcome back! i'm sure you had loads of fun! how was it! cerita la!! (p.s: would love to send you a card, but i dont have your address, nanti mail k?) lots of love, and all the best wishes in the world to you! xoxox
gert! belated birthday wishes to you and welcome back! i'm sure you had loads of fun! how was it! cerita la!! (p.s: would love to send you a card, but i dont have your address, nanti mail k?) lots of love, and all the best wishes in the world to you! xoxox
Lesley, thank you :)
Pearly, it is good to start your daughter young so when she is on her own she can cook for herself :)
Mike, thanks for stopping by.
LCOM, actually I made this with a cake pan that shape that way :)
Kesum, geram yea :) :)
Cat, just make it for yourself lah. How come yea you girls tak suka Asian food :(
BBO, thank you. Have to find some time to resize the vacation photos so I can post it at the other blog :)
Kath, thank you. Yeah, agar agar is very easy to make. This is the first dessert I've learn when I was young :)
Zaza, thank you thank you!! Nanti I post gambar kat the other blog yea. It would be an honour to get a beautiful handmade card from you. Can I have your e.mail address?
Welcome back, Gertrude!
Happy belated birthday - hope you had a great celebration and got to do all the things you wanted to do in CA.
Your Chocolate & Corn Agar Agar looks delicious. Must try...
- Jen
This look so neat - great job! Never heard of agar agar powder?
Happy belated birthday and welcome back. Love the pictures, nampak so sedap.
Gert, welcome home....wif a lot ideas coming...hehehhe...this pudding looks very tempting...aiyoooo!
Those look great; a glimpse into the future of dessert? Hah!
Jen, thank you. We had a great time in CA :)
Parker, you can get agar agar powder from most of the Asian stores. E.mail me if you have any problem finding it. I'll get some for you :)
Yatie, thank you.
Jun, thank you.
Gk, thanks for stopping by and your comment :)
I really like this recipe, but unfortunately I could not find Swallon Brand agar powder where I live, but we have different brand, could you please tell me how much of the agar powder do I need for this recipe. Thx.
Hi Gert,
Can replace low fat milk with evaporated milk? Tot of making this tonite.
Hi Gert,
From where did you bought this pan? Is it available in US?I love this pan & i want to buy. Please let me know.
I love how you incorporate corn into this chocolate pudding. Definitely give it a twist and a new way to enjoy dessert. Love it!
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