Ingredients :
2 cups of flour
4 tbsp of cold butter - cut small
2 tbsp of sugar
2 tsp of baking powder
1/4 tsp of salt
1 eggs
2 tbsp of sour cream
1/3 cup of half and half or milk
a handful of raisins and dry cranberries
2) Mix together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar in a mixing bowl. Combined egg, sour cream, half and half and set aside.
3) Rub butter into the flour with a pastry cutter or fingers until it forms coarse crumbles. Add in raisins and cranberries.
4) Add in the wet ingredients, mix lightly until everything combined.
5) Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead into a ball. Pat or roll dough to about 3/4" thick and cut into round shape with a cookie cutter.
6) Brush top of the scones with some milk and bake for 20-25 minutes or until lightly brown. Serve warm.
Hi Gert. I just tried your kuih bakar with resounding success! Actually I added more santan than was necessary because there was just a bit left in the can and I used it up. But it turned out the way I like it because I always felt those sold at stalls were too doughy anyway. Thanks for the recipe!
And your scones look really good. Never had success with them before, but will try out your recipe as I have had good results whenever I use your recipe. :)
Hey Gert,
That's a nice teacup set. Mana dapat..?? Scone looks so good... Bila lah ada chance to get a taste of your cookings... Alahai!!!!
Gert,I never bake scone b4.Saw in LCOM posting too.Your look like the one sell on bakery.How it's taste?.It's taste like cookies or bread?
Gert, your scones remind me of the days my sis made scones for the family. Yours look so good, might have to try!!
BTW, I tried your granola bars recipe, came out perfect. Just awesome. Hubby said better than Nature Valley's!! Looks like it will be gone in less than a week!Thanks very much!
What a lovely scones. And I love your tea cup too!
I never had a scones before but it sure does looks good. Is your jam is homemade? Look at the strawberries ...... yummy! I love your tea cup too.
What a nice english tea setting! :D Can I come ?
wah you are back from your BIG grocery shopping at NYC and I can't wait to read and eye tasting your coming creations! :)
Scones! I like it with lots of salted butter! Must learn to make one day. :)
Hai Gert..uhh, ur scones look nice, feel like to eating now..hehe..the fresh berries also make it look nice n yummy!!
Ka...t, I am glad you like the kueh bakar. Yeah, those sold outside is not good because they put more flour than eggs :)
Cat, itu tea cup I found at Goodwill. Only satu set saja. Come lah and visit me and I will cook for you everyday :)
Lesley, scone is more like biscuits but lighter :)
Dawn, I am glad your gronala bars turn out well. We finished ours too so going to make some this week :)
LCOM, thank you :)
Yatie, you never taste scone before? Maybe is time for you to make some :)As for the jam is Smuckers :)
Tigerfish, you are most welcome to have some tea and scones with me :)
BBO, actually I didn't buy much in NY. Just bought some Delimas Chili prawns :)
Pinky, scones is really easy to make. Remember to take some pix to show me :)
Ummi, I pun suka scones with tea :) I missed going for High Tea back home :)
hi Gert..wahhh, feel like long time x masuk sini..very bz drop by kejap...byk nyer dah jun kna stop masak sedap2 for a so just had n, kna, cuci mata aje la kat rumah u ni..heee
Gert, I always watch food channel back in the days and they always show all kinds of scones in the morning show. But I have never once make any.Your scone looks great.
Wah.... just like a Devonshires's tea.
I like scones with clotted cream. Not easy to find here.
I tried the granola bars too. it is good.
Jun, how is your son doing? Hope he is ok now. You pun masak banyak jugak kat blog you :)
Zue, this scone is good for breakfast.
Nonya, I never try scones with clotted cream. Have to see if I can find some at our supermarket. Glad you like the granola bars :)
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