Ingredients :
1 tbsp of gelatin powder
1 cup of light cream
1/4 cup of sugar
1 1/4 cup of milk
1 tsp of vanilla
Raspberry sauce :
2 cup of raspberries
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of water
2) Put the cream, milk and sugar in a small saucepan and cook over low heat until sugar dissolved.
3) Add in the gelatin and continue to stir until gelatin dissolved. Add in vanilla.
4) Pour the mixture into small cups or ramekins and refrigerate until set.
5) Combine raspberries, sugar and lemon juice in a saucepan. Cook until raspberries are broken down. It will take about 10 minutes.
6) Remove from heat and strain through a sieve to remove the seeds.
7) Pour sauce over the panna cotta and garnish with some fresh fruits
looks so lovely! I have not been doing this much, but will look into it soon! yours make my heart move! walio! I think I can have two in a go.
Yum... Looks like those dessert served in 5-star hotel restuarants.... Ada class.. Love the presentation.
Gert..true i was having difficulty uploading pictures since Sunday..could only upload one at a time. You belajar photography ke? your pictures always appetizing (ada ke such word?) macam cath kata, i love the presentation too..bila la i nak melawat gert ya..nak makan sedap2.
wooo make my mouth watering , I miss the fry mee after had lot of italian food I am so nut with those lovely mee and asian prawn xxxxxxmmmyummy
Goodness Gert, I can't stop drooling:). I love anything with strawberry and this desert really is mouth watering. Remember me when you eat it.
You can never have enough dessert! Those look great!
Gert..soo cun meh! hehe...i baru j mkn..sedap kalau dpt dessert tu...very nice pic..looks sooo inviting!
Looks very elegant and delicious!
It looks gorgeous!
okay, how elegant and yummy looking is that?
Simply gorgeous! I fell in love with Panna Cotta when my gf V served me some of her blueberries panna cotta last year...YUM!
Oh by the way, what is light cream? half & half? Your recipe seem to be less sinful compared to whole cream.
This looks fantastic - so beautifully presented!
Gert,it looks elegant and delicious!
love the colors! Can I start indulging now ? :P
i wonder if i can change this to chocolate? hihi
BBO, you can have as many as you want :)
Cat, thank you.
Ummi, I never learn photograhpy :) you are most welcome to my house anytime.
Pearly, I am the same. After eating western food for a few days I need to eat our kind of food :)
Yatie, I will ha haaaa..
Brilynn, thank you.
Jun, thank you.
Shari, Deborah & Michelle, thank you.
LCOM, now you can get light cream from the supermarket and if not then you can use half and half.
Indigo, thank you.
Zue, thank you.
Tigerfish, I really like the color too :)
Rita, you can change it to choclate.
Look so classy and elegant!! many cup argh?.ada party kah??...This recipe is a must to keep..thanks for sharing:))
WOW, look absolutely yummy! Beautiful to serve for the party.
Oh, oh, my. This looks incredible, and your presentation is just impeccable!
Lesley, actaully they are really small. I served it in small shot glasses :)
Dwiana, thank you.
Cakespy, thank you.
Those are gorgeous!
I was craving panna cotta and this looks like the perfect way to satisfy my need. I love your presentation!
the photos are stunning. you're definitely right though, life is too short to hold out on panna cotta. especially if it's with raspberries.
Hi. I copied your recipe a while back but am only now ready to make it. I noticed in your 5th step you mentioned lemon juice. How much should we put in? it wasn't mentioned it the ingredients.
Thanks a lot!
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