Sunday, June 15, 2014

Cranberry Chicken Salad Sandwich

I attended a high tea party at a good friend house last week. It was a pot luck party and I prepared some scones, cheesecake bars and mini chicken pot pie (recipe coming up soon). The host prepared a huge Sandwich Platter and it has a few types of sandwiches in it and one of them was chicken salad sandwich. There were really good and I have been craving for it since.

Well, since I have some leftover roast chicken I decided to make some for our lunch. I won’t consider this as the best chicken salad but this is how we like it. I usually make a huge batch and will have as salad or make sandwiches out of it. The great thing about this salad is you can add toasted nuts, grapes, apple, raisins or some crumble cheese to it but for this one I decided to add some dry cranberries. It gives the salad a nice sweetness.


2 cups diced, cooked chicken
1 cup diced celery
1 shallot – finely diced
½ cup dried cranberry
½ cup mayonnaise
1 tbsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste

To Assemble:

Some toasted bread
Some lettuce
Some butter for spreading

1. Add all the ingredients in a large bowl, stir with a fork to combine. If it seems a little dry you can add a little bit more of mayo at a time until you reaches the right consistency. Taste and adjust seasonings.
2. Refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving to allow the flavors to blend.
3. To serve, spread the toasted bread with some butter, top with lettuce and chicken salad.

Note: For lighter option you can serve the salad with some greens.


  1. I love sandwiches! This chicken salad is so versatile and tasty.

  2. Looks so wow wow!

  3. I love this combination of cranberry and chicken sandwich.This combination is quite similar to the I had in Starbuck and it's my favourite. Thanks for sharing the ideas.

  4. Wah!!! Your sandwiches look like something out from those swanky cafés!!!! My huge kickass bags of cranberries all gone. Time to buy more to replicate your cafe standard sandwiches:))

  5. Phong Hong, I am not much fan of other sandwiches except for this one :)

    Jozelyn, thanks.

    Sem, you are welcome.

    Shereen, got meh? Just a simple sandwich which I made pretty often with leftover roast chicken. Ya I down my cranberries real fast too. You bought the cranberries from the Costco here? They come in a giant bag :)


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