Saturday, October 08, 2011

Coconut Pomegranate Jelly- Day 8

We are 8th day into the Royal Selangor Jellyriffic challenge. This is the very 1st jelly I made with the moulds. On my very first tried, I completely destroyed the jelly when I tried to unmold it and I had to re-do again the very next day. The key to unmolding it is dip the mould in hot water for 15 seconds; run the butter knife along the side of the moulds before turning them out. For this Jelly I used pomegranate which is in season now. I just love them. Love the rich, ruby seeds and savoring the sweet juice when I pop them into my mouth. They make great dessert too.

Ingredients for coconut layers:

200 ml water
250 ml coconut milk
1 1/4 tsp agar agar powder
pinch of salt
3 tbsp sugar - more if you like it sweeter

Ingredients for Pomegranate layers:

450 ml pomegranate juice
1 1/4 tsp agar agar powder
1 tbsp sugar – depend on the sweetness of the juice

1. For the pomegranate layer mix agar-agar powder with the juice and bring to the boil over medium heat in a saucepan. Stir continuously until all the agar-agar dissolves, then add sugar Continue boiling until the sugar dissolved and then turn the heat to the lowest.
2. For the coconut layer mix water and agar-agar powder together, bring to the boil over medium heat. Boil until the agar-agar dissolves, and then add coconut milk, sugar and salt together. Stir regularly to prevent the coconut cream separating. Bring it to a slow boil until the mixture dissolve completely, turn down the heat to the lowest.
3. Wet the Jelly Moulds . Spoon 1 - 2 tablespoonful of the coconut mixture into each mold, leave to set. Scratch the surface lightly with a toothpick and then spoon some of the pomegranate mixture over and leave to set. Continue with this process until each mold is full. Leave to completely cool before remove from the moulds.

Note: Don’t forget to leave a comment for a better chance to win an Olympus VG-110 camera. Giveaway is open worldwide. Entries close 30th October 2011.


  1. Pomegranate is one of our favourite fruit but unfortunately it is quite hard and expensive to get in SG. I love the way you use it for this jelly, make them look so yummy :)

  2. Hi, just bump into this blog. Really love the entries and to be honest, it really make me hungryyyy rite now.

    Oh, I want to try this recipe next weekend. ;) Thanks neway, oh, I add ur link to my sidebar. Tqqq ;)

  3. Gert, you are churning out so many great recipes and very unique ones too! Way to go! Love the jelly, must be really yummy with coconut milk. ;)

  4. buah delima ni mmg bagus dimakan atau dibuat minuman kan.. khasiat dia banyak.. cantik pulak jelly tu belang2 :)

  5. This is not only beautiful, I'll bet it tastes fantastic. I would love these flavors together!

  6. Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees10:41 AM

    I am sure we will enjoy this Coconut Pomegranate Jelly without any guilt :)-

  7. Love the layer. Very pretty! Can't wait to see your next creation :)

  8. Another amazing jelly here...


  9. Ellena, thank you. we can get $1 each here when it is in season.

    Cekeya, thanks for stopping by and your kind comment.

    Bee Bee, thank you for your support. Me too :)

    K.Nor, I memang suka buah delima. Juice or buah nya both pun I suka.

    Lyndsey, thank you.

    Eileen, coconut milk, not that healthy but it is ok. We are not eating this everyday :)

    Ann, stay tune :)

    Angeline, thanks.

  10. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Wonderful layering. Love the look.

  11. layered jelly always the best for me... sis, your jelly sure ada rasa lemak, manis & sedikit masam... good combination... drool... :)~~

  12. Hi Gert, we would never have thought of combining these flavours but looks like a fantastic result you have come up with!

  13. Emily2:46 AM

    Coconut and pomegranate jelly sounds like an interesting yet delicious combination. I can imagine how the sweetness of the pomegranate jelly would be accentuated by the fragrance of coconut milk.

    I love how you have scattered pomegranate seeds on your plate. They look like gorgeous, little ruby jewels!! I can't wait to try out this recipe!

  14. I lazy one...if making jelly, would just mix everything together. No patience to make layers. LOL!!!

  15. Lovely! I like this stripe agar agar!

  16. din know pomegranate can go well with coconut, glad you let us know ;-)

  17. Lovely... perfect layers!! :) I havent try pomegranate in jelly before. :)

  18. Interesting combination, sharp colors, would be really great if I could just have a bite to taste it :)

  19. pomegranate juice? this is something new to explore..

  20. These are absolutely gorgeous! Almost too pretty to eat :-)

  21. Hmmm..never thought coconut and pomegranate would go hand in hand.I guess no fresh pomegranate, the concentrate would also do?

  22. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Though pomegranate is not my favourite, this sure looks very appetizing. And zebra colours!

  23. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Somehow asian dessert / jelly looks so much more inviting than western ones. I will twist Shereen's arm to make this. Simon

  24. Okay..the first anon without name is justyn...budak tu!!

  25. Waaaaaaaahhh another one! Looks tempting, sedap pekena masa cuaca panas ni Gert... ^__^

  26. This is pretty with the clear layering!

  27. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I have a sweater that totally looks just like this jelly.


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