Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Turkey Pasties

Pasties are very popular throughout Cornwall, Devon, Wales, North East England, other parts of the United Kingdom, Ireland and Brittany. The traditional pasty is filled with beef, sliced potato, turnip and onion. The wonderful aspect about pasties is that you can use any kind of fillings from meat and potatoes to cheese and vegetables. I made these pasties with my leftover turkey from Thanksgiving. Since I have leftovers roasted potatoes and gravy I add to it too.


2 1/2 cup flour
1 1/4 sticks/10 tbsp cold butter (cut into bits)
1 tsp of salt
4-5 tbsp. water

1. In a food processor combine flour, butter and salt. Pulse the ingredients until well combined and slowly add water, one tablespoon at a time to form dough.
2. Remove the dough and lightly knead to form a ball. Let the dough rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

2 cups cut roast turkey
1 cup of roasted potato
½ cup of gravy
¼ cup or cut olives
½ tsp pepper

1. Combine all the filling ingredients in bowl and set it aside.
2. Divide the dough into 6-7 pieces, and roll the dough into circle on a lightly floured surface to about ¼” thick.
3. Put ¼ cup of the filling into the center of the pastry. Moisten the edges with some water, fold into half and crimp to seal.
4. Place on a lined baking sheet and brush lightly with egg wash. Bake in a pre-heated 350 degree F oven until golden brown.


  1. Wow! I love the look of this pastry...would be nice to serve as a snack:) Wishing you & family Merry Christmas!

  2. Love the generous filling. So delicious-looking!

  3. This look like curry puff huh, it must be very delicious. Wishing a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all at home.

  4. Very nice pastry indeed! It reminds me how good the taste and texture of the pastry sold in a "Brampton Pie Shop" in Cambridgeshire.
    Happy Christmas and happy new year to you!


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