Saturday, April 12, 2008

Easy Fried Rice

I think fried rice is one of the easiest Asian dish to make. You can whip this up real quick and the best part it's not just good for leftover rice, but leftover anything. You can throw almost anything in and it will still taste great! It's one of those meals that works no matter what you happen to have on hand. This is my version of quick and easy fried rice.

Ingredients :

2 cups cold cooked rice
1 cup of frozen mixed vegetables
1 yellow or red pepper - cut small
1 cup of protein (char siew, chicken, shrimp, spam) cut small
2 eggs - beaten
2 spring onions - sliced thinly
2 cloves of garlic - chopped
2 shallots - sliced thinly
1 tsp of ginger - finely chopped

Seasoning :

1 tbsp of oyster sauce
3 tbsp of soy sauce
2 tbsp of fish sauce
some pepper

1) Heat up wok on high heat and add some oil. Put in ginger, shallots and garlic and stir fry until lightly brown.
2) Add in the meat, stir fry for about 20 seconds, then add in the peppers and mixed vegetables. Stir fry for a minute and then push all the meat and vegetables to the side of the wok and then add in the beaten eggs. Scramble the eggs until half cook.
3) Add in the rice and all the seasoning. Continue the stir fry for 2 minutes until everything well mixed. Check seasoning and lastly add in the spring onions.
4) Serve warm.


  1. oh! I love fried rice especially the one you make with all the ingrendients which I like!!..I prefer to add chili padi or chili sauce chap ayam!

  2. Fried rice is so versatile yet easy to make. Mine must dress up with slices of cucumber and sos chilli manis (sweet chilli sauce). yummy!Your fried rice must be tasty. What kind of rice did you use? It look similar to one I usually at mom's house.

  3. oh yes ... my kids can have it everyday and myself just plain fry rice with lot of mix veg r prawn woola I will be very happy women and my kids too heheh your rice look so lovely
    I will help myself if that ok with you :)xxxx
    have a lovely sunday xxxx

  4. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Gert, your fried rice looks good, I must try your recipe over the weekend.

    - Kath

  5. It looks absolutely yummy!

  6. Always love a bowl of good fried rice and yours look good!

    BTW, your PR for this blog is still 3.

  7. Gert,
    no matter what you cook it will always looks good. I love fried rice and it is easy to make. Your ingredients is almost the same as my fried rice except for the oyster and fish sauce. I always love oyster sauce but hubby don't eat seafood :(

  8. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I was so pleased to read about a blogger born and raised in Malaysia, now living with a husband, Carlos.

    As you probably know, my fourth ex-husband was also named Carlos . . . I called him "Chuck" . . . who is a famous dentist in New York City.

    That's why I post as MrsDocChuck (although I am now living with "Big Bear" in Clearwater, Florida).

    My friend, Jaden Hare (she runs the site SteamedKitchen), also a wonderful asian cook has a few problems with her husband (like me) but we both appreciate your wonderful recipe for fried rice.

    Even my 437-pound boyfriend "Big Bear" who WILL NOT eat ANY chinese food (he says that it is polluted or something) just loves fried rice.

    So, I am going to try your recipe tomorrow for dinner. Thanks for sharing.

  9. So thrilled to see Spam in your list of protein, Gert. I LOVE Spam in my fried rice and always must have a can in my pantry for that purpose. =)

  10. I want to dig into that right now!

  11. Gert,
    Your fried rice definitely look much better than mine.. Bet it taste 200% better too...

  12. simple yet look so amazing!

  13. I always like fried rice but never cook it myself! At home, my fried rice tend to be "rice-cooker" rice....i.e usually pre-fry ingredients then mix with rice in the rice cooker! :)

  14. hmmmmm nasi goreng one of my fav to used left over rice :)

  15. Lesley, another fried rice fan :)

    Zue, I used basmati rice.

    Pearly, you are lucky. Since your kids like fried rice you can do that for them often. No hassle of cooking other dishes :)

    Kath, hope you like it :)

    Chriesi, thank you.

    LCOM, thank you and I just check the PR and is back to 3 :)

    Yatie, thank you. Hubby I don't mind eating fried rice :)

    Mrsduckchuck, thanks for you comment. I too think Jaden is very talented. I really hope to see her hosting her own cooking show soon :)

    Louisa, SPAM for me is for emergency when I run out of ideas and things to cook :) :)

    Elle, thanks for stopping by and your comment :)

    Cat, I am sure you fried rice taste good too :)

    BBO, thank you :)

    Tigerfish, I too like cooking your way. Add everything in the rice cooker and it will be done in 15 minutes :) Good for me lazy people :)

    Lia, I always cook extra rice so I can make nasi goreng the next day :)

  16. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Gert, haiiii...emmm easy fried rice but look so yummy...drooling me hah!! Tgh lapar ni...heheh

  17. nampak sedap Gert...shrimp kat bwh tu pon...looks interesting wif all d fruits..

  18. wow a lil spoonful of heaven ya ^_^

  19. Gert ... your fried rice looks exactly like my mom's version. I have not been able to get it right because her recipe is agak-agak! Will put hers aside to try yours. this week. :)

  20. Yes easy but looks very healthy and yummy

  21. Ummi, how are you feeling. Sakit kepala dah baik ke belum? On my malas day I buat ni lah :)

    Jun, I suka masak with fruits :)

    Rita, fried rice is the best :)

    Rita, when I cook I also agak agak especially when come to seasonings.

    Babeth, thanks for stopping by and your comment.

  22. Anonymous1:23 PM

    This fried rice is beautiful! I'm actually rather young, so I'm always looking for recipes that aren't too difficult. I wouldn't want to burn the house down. (: Anyway, this is perfect, and the pictures are just superb.

    Thank you! xoxo


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