Sunday, June 05, 2011

Rendang Ayam Goreng/Fried Chicken Rendang

One of my Malay friends shares this recipe with me many years ago. I remember eating this dish at her house and she roughly told me the ingredients and way to cook it. This dish is a bit different from the regular Rendang Ayam . This dish is not as spicy and also has a sweet and tangy taste to it. We like it a lot especially eating it with rice. I hope you give this dish a try as I am pretty sure you and your family are going to enjoy it as much as we do.


1 small chicken – about 2.5 pounds
3 stalk lemongrass – removed the outer layers and smashed it
3 kaffir lime leaves
3 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp kicap manis/sweet soy sauce
1 1/2 tbsp tamarind pulp + ½ cup water
Sugar and salt to taste

Marinate for chicken:

1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper

Ground into paste:

3 green chili – cut in chunks
1” ginger
4 cloves garlic
10 shallots

1. Clean, remove skin and fats on the chicken. Cut into small pieces. Drain dry and marinate it with turmeric powder, salt, pepper and set it aside for half an hour.
2. Soak the tamarind pulp in water for 15 minutes. Squeeze the tamarind pulp constantly to extract the flavor into the water. Drain the pulp and save the tamarind juice. Set it aside
3. Heat up some oil in a wok over medium heat and shallow fried chicken until cook and golden brown on both sides. Remove and drain the oil on paper towels.
4. Remove some of oil from the wok and leave about 3 tbsp of oil. Sauté the ground paste, kaffir lime leaves and lemon grass until lightly brown and fragrant. Add in the tamarind juice, soy sauce, kicap manis, salt and sugar. Continue to stir until the sauce boiled.
5. Add in the chicken, toss and turn until it is well coated with the sauce. Check seasonings. Dish out and serve it with rice.

I am entering this post in the Muhibbah Malaysian Monday roundup, created and hosted by Sharon of Test with a Skewer and Suresh of 3 Hungry Tummies.


Jun said...

I noticed that Malaysian rendang doesn't use salam leaves and candlenuts (kemiri), are these ingredients used in Malaysian cuisine in general?

A great recipe, as always. I can't wait to try it out soon.

Shereen said...

Very simple ingredients this rendang..not much rempah and no kerisik too.I'm going to give this recipe a try soon..not this week la as we makan too much ayam already..due to the 'mishap' of my chicken!(now I tengok ayam pun naik benci..muahaha).

WendyinKK said...

Ohhh.. I'd love all the small bits around the chicken. I always korek those stuff when ever I buy malay fried chicken, as those spices used for marinade as always the best.

Jeannie said...

I am sure I am going to like this dish too! Looks really good!

tinyskillet said...

It sounds very good. I like the way it looks too. At first it sounded simple eb=nough, but there are a lot of good spices in there. I know we will like it too.

lena said...

kaffir leaves, lemon grass and green chillies..i can imagine the aromatic of this dish is giving out..yum!!

pigpigscorner said...

I like the addition of kecap manis in this recipe! Must-try!

ann low said...

Gert, is this fried chicken rendang, the same as beef rendang? I love rendang but never try to cook it at home and would like to try the chicken and beef, thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this recipe. Now I can prepare this yummy fried chicken rendang at home!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

I like Rendang, fried version lagi best!

My Little Space said...

Gert, thanks for sharing this interesting recipe. I normally had something like this only in masak merah. I bet this is fabulous as well. Thanks for sharing & have a lovely day.
Cheers, Kristy
p/s just got back from my short vacation! :o)

Cheah said...

This is so delicious. Great with white rice or even with bread. Thanks for your tip re commenting on some blogs. Just tried on Zoe's blog, it worked!

Alice said...

looks so delicious! especially when eating this with hot fluffy rice yumm.....

ICook4Fun said...

Jun, yes we don't normally use both the ingredients. This rendang is a bit different from the traditional rendang where we used daun kunyit and kerisik.

Shereen, yes this one is very easy. Not too many ingredients. I think you should like this as it has masam manis taste to it.

Wendy, yes, I like picking on those spices too :)

Jeannie, thank you. Hope you will try it out one day.

Lyndsey, hope you will try this dish out one day since you have some turmeric :)

Lena, yes we love this dish a lot.

Pigpigscorner, the kecap manis give a bit of sweetness to this dish.

Ann, no this rendang is a bit different. You have to simmer beef rendang for a long period of time and requires more spices to it.

Fong, hope you and your family like this dish.

ICook4Fun said...

Sonia, memang best :)

Kristy, welcome back. Hope you had a wonderful vacation. I like this dish more than the masak merah :)

Cheah, you are welcome.

Alice, thank you.

yummylittlecooks said...

Looks delicious! I'll try this...thanks for sharing..

Beachlover's Kitchen said...

your rendang look great!!

Lady J said...

This looks so good... I'm going to try this when my sauces come! I miss home and this dish def reminds me of my home (Singapore).

yummylittlecooks said...

Hi, I 'd tried this dish, sooo delicious,but I modefied a bit.Thanks.

shaz said...

Love the sound of this. My kids will probably eat it too as it's not so spicy - might still have to reduce the green chilli though, they can't even take too much pepper (sigh).